My dad's flying in tomorrow. This is the day I needed to get everything done.
In other news, I stumbled upon some Avengers fic and, while I was predisposed to woobify Loki to begin with (always my favourite Norse God, with Odin a far second for the whole trading his eye thing) now I have no choice.
Yes, I just cried over Avengers fanfiction.
Things I need to get rid of:
Side Tables
Dresser #1
Dresser #2
Entertainment stand
Pots and pans
The 3 remaining still-living plants
Total number of boxes I have packed: 16 (Sixteen)
Food I need to eat:
Full slab of ribs
2 1 Hamburgers
10 7 Chicken thighs
3 2 dim sum things
2 1 cheesecake (And some ice cream)
Fruit (this shouldn't be a problem)
Things I need to do:
Host dinner party
Get the car serviced
Cancel my internet
Address changes
Visit my old clinic
Clean the fridge
Keep my place clean - super extra hard, will fail at this on a near-daily basis
Turn AC on before my dad gets here
Bruises Injuries I have acquired: Seven Five Six bruises
Two sliced-open fingers. I think I'm due for a tetanus booster. Basically all better.
One strained ligament over my medial malleolus, but that's my own fault for wearing crocks