*Is forgetful*

May 21, 2011 21:12

The rapture was at 1800hrs today. I missed it. I think I was writing Snapshots.

There are three... four churches within walking distance of my apartment. Three of them I can see out my window or out my across-the-hall neighbor's window.

Clearly, they are the wrong kind of churches since there were no screams of "Oh my *expletive deleted* Frank just up and combusted!" Or whatever being Raptured looks like. And I had my window open the whole time.

There were children singing "London Bridge is Falling Down" about an hour later, though. And, given the trauma that song induces after Kuroshitsuji, I have to assume that these unraptured children are demonic and doomed. Well. As demonic and doomed as I am.

...maybe not quite that bad.

I'm on call tomorrow. To be honest, a little part of me was hoping...

(Just kidding)

I love how many of my pre-existing tags this post covers. :p

religion, conservatives, cgkinkmemeii, zombies, weekend, fantasy, code geass, suzalulu, fear, politics, wtf, work, fanfiction, disaster, lulusuza, jewish

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