Mar 23, 2011 23:00
So. I've been recced. On the Code Geass Kinkmeme, which would normally be really awesome and stuff, but it's a GEN fic! Like... full on innuendo (in YOUR endo) but gen.
...I will disappoint EVERYONE and there will be tears.
(It's Red Geass - Rin, you read it already, and it's a crossover with the Mentalist which NO ONE has seen and I'm not even using italics, just caps because I am full of SQUEE and DESPAIR at the same time)
Ah well. Two more weeks and it'll be completely posted and I can dodge whatever rotten fruit or bricks people toss at me and go back to writing Snapshots and Kyou Kara Maou and shameful, shameful porn. As it should be.
(CFPC exam? What that?)
code geass,
aah... gomen,