My sci-fi TV shows

Mar 08, 2016 18:01

Funchal is doing a thing with TV shows, but I keep forgetting to add ones I like because she's doing it alphabetically. She called me the queen of sci-fi, and I've just found a relatively exhaustive list of sci-fi shows and I'll just list the ones I've watched below, ( in no particular order: )


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Comments 22

kniazhna March 9 2016, 03:39:57 UTC
So where were you with this list when I had a movie call? :p
My husband's been recommending Dark Matter to me but for some reason I find it a bit too, umm, картинно? Though I did think the same of Farscape until I actually watched it and got sucked in. I'll give it a shot once I'm done with the current show I'm watching.
Have you seen the Star Gate shows?


elarbee March 9 2016, 04:14:51 UTC
What's a movie call?

Dark Matter, I thought, had an interesting concept - reminded me of Ark. Lots of these shows are eye candy with mediocre acting, but the concept sucks me in. And my bar for science fiction is a lot lower than for other genres.

Star Gate is one of the two biggies that are missing from my list (the other being Doctor Who). I saw and liked the movie, but the show felt inferior enough, and then it just went off the deep end. Most movies remade for TV are not good, some are so bad you haven't even heard of them, like the Starship Troopers and such. People say that the Terminator show was good, but I wasn't impressed.


kniazhna March 9 2016, 04:26:36 UTC

I have a high bar for anything movie/show-related. Acting especially gets me.

I wasn't as impressed with SG-1 but SG-Atlantis was better I thought. SG-Universe was somewhere in between but they stopped after the 1st season. They do, however, have a lot more movies than just one.


elarbee March 9 2016, 04:32:58 UTC
I see. I must have missed that one.

I have a sort of a high bar, we have a very limited amount of TV time, so we have to be selective. Much of the lower quality stuff was watched before we had kids.

I'm talking about the theatrical Star Gate movie.


mar_go202 March 9 2016, 05:43:50 UTC
Первые четыре сериала из твоего списка любимых - мой муж просто обожает :)
Я смотрела пока только два


elarbee March 9 2016, 16:57:29 UTC
Which ones have you seen?


mar_go202 March 11 2016, 22:29:45 UTC
Firefly and futurama :)
Баттлстар и Стартрек смотрела отрывками, планируем подряд посмотреть скоро.


elarbee March 14 2016, 22:38:34 UTC
Most of Star Trek is non-arc, so you don't necessarily have to watch it all in order. Battlestar, though, works better in order.


funchal March 9 2016, 06:31:37 UTC
Wow! You ARE a the queen) I am impressed)
I watched Under the Dome and TerraNova -will discuss later. Firefly - discussed already, love them all!
Star Trek - only watched one full movie, with Zachary Quinto as Spok. Liked it.


elarbee March 9 2016, 16:59:26 UTC
It's because I'm a total nerd! And have been for my entire life - I was reading Strugatskie, Lem and Belyaev at 8.

The new Star Trek is fun, but it's not the same thing as the TV series. Especially in the Next Generation and Deep Space 9 they explore a lot of social themes and have great drama.


funchal March 9 2016, 07:17:29 UTC
Oh! Black Mirror is very good! Not a space-planets though


elarbee March 9 2016, 16:59:57 UTC
Looks interesting! If we ever have an opening in our schedule, we'll check it out. Sounds a bit like the Outer Limits.


melkij_becc March 23 2016, 22:33:22 UTC
ой!!!! а где же Доктор????


elarbee March 24 2016, 00:23:59 UTC
I was waiting for someone to ask! I like the Doctor and all, but we just don't have the time to power through all the seasons, even if we start with the new iteration. Maybe one day, when the kids grow up and we have more TV time...


melkij_becc March 28 2016, 18:15:36 UTC
а что там смотреть то???? не так уж и много! один сезон девятого доктора, по 3 десятого и одиннадцатого. и двенадцатого сколько? 2 или 3 сезона.


elarbee March 28 2016, 18:37:37 UTC
At 1 hour of TV per night, we'd have to give up everything else we're watching! I know it might be an equitable trade for many, but for us, it might have to wait until the kids get older! (Or better yet, move out.)


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