Fare thee well nose!

Apr 26, 2009 09:30

Had to redress the bandage for the first time since Friday, yesterday. God, that was hard.  I was in shock because I didn't feel any pain so therefore I thought they didn't really take that much more off. And this time I was asleep during the surgery so I had no idea what they did.

My nose is ...yeah it's gone.  All the skin is off and the lower tip of my left nostril isn't there anymore. The shape is still there though so, for now though I can forget about it until reconstruction, then it will be more obvious. I Right now I just look the same, except I have a guze patch covering the center of my head, and the "bump," is still there because all my cartilidge is still intact, but when I have to dress it that's pretty much all i see.

I think I'm going to still go outside even when I look like a zombie with stitches because it's way to beautiful outside, and also I'm gaining so much weight that my tummy hurts. Need to stop eating my emotions. I have gained about 5 pounds in a week and half.

I get angry because I feel like this was something I could have prevented. This is from getting repeated sunburns on my face. This is my fault. Sometimes I feel like yeah I deserve to have my face mangled.

I know this is stupid talk but yeah.
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