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I KNOW I SAID I WAS GOING TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THE X-FILES (wait. no I didn't! I said I should! Should is not will!) but you guys! Can we talk about how ridiculously in love with this interview I am? I know it's old, and things, but do you have any idea how much it makes me feel like David and Gillian had a brief but torrid Vancouver affair? Are you laughing at me right now? STOP. I am
not alone!!
Also, nothing makes me lol like "did you two ever have sexual tension between the two of you?" HOBVIOUSLY the answer is yes. I get more and more fangirly as midnight approaches? Do not answer that.
Okay, darlings. I have taped 30 Rock and Scrubs and I am actually very excited to watch them. So I'm going to do that. As soon as I can tear myself away from this interview.