Oh yeah!! Because Japan releases all that info but for some reason there's no data (or translated ones) for kpop yet? I also wanted to comment on how I basically was away for like the last 3 days of the year and all of the sudden there was like 2 weeks worth of kpop videos/stuff to catch up on from gayos. GEEBUS this industry.
Idk what it is about me that makes me enjoy stuff like that SO MUCH MORE than like, some genuinely good dance performances HAHAHA it's because it's so funny and we love both Minho and Yuri and we would rather laugh than find it ~disappointing~. AWW Yuri, I know what you mean. I really enjoyed the hyo/henry/yuri stage too!! But I guess I don't know enough about Yuri's awkwardness lmao. I was really confused by Marry U. And why someone felt compelled to make this graphic:
Sometimes I feel bad for Suho.. just like in general and not just because of this stage LOL.
Re: I Got A Boy, there is a lot of stuff going on so I don't blame you!!! I was super impressed with the amount of Sooyoung and Yuri (esp her sunglasses, she rocks that so hard). Not so much with the lack of Hyoyeon! Sad face. And Sunny's hair. But Taeyeon is perfect here. And the OH OH AY OH part is really catchy. The concept is very f(x) NU ABO but with yellows and pinks. Also did Yoona get any lines?? I couldn't really tell but I'm not sure it matters.. Looking forward to the comeback stages for sure! are they promoting Dancing Queen with I Got A Boy?
Yeah I guess it's harder since they have so many different charts/vendors? And omg I KNOW RIGHT I'm still 1.5 gayos behind -_-
TOO TRUE. And lol Yuri is just like... you know how a lot of idols exaggerate the weird parts of their personalities because it's good for variety?? Yuri is the opposite of that. She's like this super bizarro person who is constantly trying to seem normal and she's SUPER self-conscious about it. And she's just... awkward. These two gifsets of her fanservicing with Hyoyeon KILL ME:
this one because it's so hilariously premeditated (and she's like, SMUG about it??) and this one because WHY IS HER HAND EVEN ON HER NECK (it's definitely Yuri's hand):
lol that graphic, WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED. But yeah I feel like if anyone shows up in a wedding dress in a kpop stage it never ends well. And lol I feel bad for him too everyone hates him :'( I find him strangely endearing.
IT'S LIKE... GROWING ON ME?? It's just a lot to sort through. And yeah Yoona got lines! All her lines are next to Hyoyeon's, they have that part where they're rapping about whether or not Yoona should show her new boyfriend her face without make up (Hyoyeon says NO WAY) and later on they each have a line over one of the OH OH AY OHs. I do think they'll be doing Dancing Queen as their second track, so that'll be fun! I'm rly excited to see them do it with no wardrobe changes.
Idk what it is about me that makes me enjoy stuff like that SO MUCH MORE than like, some genuinely good dance performances HAHAHA it's because it's so funny and we love both Minho and Yuri and we would rather laugh than find it ~disappointing~. AWW Yuri, I know what you mean. I really enjoyed the hyo/henry/yuri stage too!! But I guess I don't know enough about Yuri's awkwardness lmao. I was really confused by Marry U. And why someone felt compelled to make this graphic:
Sometimes I feel bad for Suho.. just like in general and not just because of this stage LOL.
Re: I Got A Boy, there is a lot of stuff going on so I don't blame you!!! I was super impressed with the amount of Sooyoung and Yuri (esp her sunglasses, she rocks that so hard). Not so much with the lack of Hyoyeon! Sad face. And Sunny's hair. But Taeyeon is perfect here. And the OH OH AY OH part is really catchy. The concept is very f(x) NU ABO but with yellows and pinks. Also did Yoona get any lines?? I couldn't really tell but I'm not sure it matters.. Looking forward to the comeback stages for sure! are they promoting Dancing Queen with I Got A Boy?
TOO TRUE. And lol Yuri is just like... you know how a lot of idols exaggerate the weird parts of their personalities because it's good for variety?? Yuri is the opposite of that. She's like this super bizarro person who is constantly trying to seem normal and she's SUPER self-conscious about it. And she's just... awkward. These two gifsets of her fanservicing with Hyoyeon KILL ME:
this one because it's so hilariously premeditated (and she's like, SMUG about it??) and this one because WHY IS HER HAND EVEN ON HER NECK (it's definitely Yuri's hand):
lol that graphic, WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED. But yeah I feel like if anyone shows up in a wedding dress in a kpop stage it never ends well. And lol I feel bad for him too everyone hates him :'( I find him strangely endearing.
IT'S LIKE... GROWING ON ME?? It's just a lot to sort through. And yeah Yoona got lines! All her lines are next to Hyoyeon's, they have that part where they're rapping about whether or not Yoona should show her new boyfriend her face without make up (Hyoyeon says NO WAY) and later on they each have a line over one of the OH OH AY OHs. I do think they'll be doing Dancing Queen as their second track, so that'll be fun! I'm rly excited to see them do it with no wardrobe changes.
also just a cue/excuse to post embarrassing gifs of minho
but i guess it's different because he is so bad at hiding it?
but now that you mention it she IS the ~athletic one~...
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