LOL THE CASE THIS WEEK, I could not stop giggling over "Aaron Sorkin", especially the part about him being mad at the internet! GOOD JOB DOING YOUR RESEARCH WRITERS, I am impressed. (Also his constant awful sarcasm and painting of himself as the victim, SERIOUSLY HE WAS THE BEST AARON SORKIN. IT'S POSSIBLE I JUST LIKE MAKING FUN OF AARON SORKIN? Maybe I don't know.) I kind of feel like I should feel like episodes like this are too on-the-nose, too sassy about their cultural commentary?! But I never actually feel that way, I think they are almost always handled well.
SO WHO ACTUALLY THOUGHT, DESPITE ALL THESE PROMOS, that anything would really happen between Will and Alicia? No one. Still had to watch the last scene from behind my fingers, I am perpetually seven when it comes to big dramatic reveals (which is why live tv is good for me, when I download something I can press pause all I want and spend several days finishing a dramatic/awkward episode), but of course he said nothing. STILLLLLL, ALICIA, my heart. She is always my favorite, the way she picked out that gorgeous black dress and went in like that, so proud of her I kind of want to cry. That was a big moment for her, even if in the end it wasn't a big moment at all. Julianna is incredible, I loved the modulations in her voice in her scene in the motel, it... is probably super weird that I noticed that. I love that they used Owen here, there are some things that only siblings can pick at, like your lifelong place as the boring one, the (to be trite) good one. I don't know, I feel like all the times they have used Owen the scenes have been played with a tremendous amount of history, this week they were teenagers, last time he was in an episode they were acting like elementary school kids. Love itttttt, I am really glad they are moving Owen to Chicago because I think that will mean much more of him.
I also loved the way they dangled Kalinda/Cary and Kalinda/Lana in front of our faces before taking it to a Kalinda/Blake place, WHAAAAAAAAAAT. I LOVE THE WAY SHE DANGLES SEX AND (CALCULATED) HONESTY IN FRONT OF EVERYONE TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS, and what she wanted this week was to use that bat on Blake. I... think I wanted her to do that too, to be honest. Idk I think this storyline about the investigation is going to BLOW UP either next week or the week after that, hope I am right.
THAT IS EVERYTHING EXCEPT WILL AND DIANE, Will and Diane, and I don't know that there's anything to say about them except that they are magnificent, their team spirit is making my week every week.