I was like, moderately kind of apathetic about the Harry Potter release in a of-course-I'm-still-going-to-see-it kind of way until this morning in my bio lecture (omg it was like, an actual lecture, which was apparently way more than I could take slightly hungover on the Friday before fall break, because I ACTUALLY COULD NOT MAKE MYSELF PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT HE WAS SAYING) when all the sudden, for no reason, I was hit with a crushing wave of neeeeeeeeed to see it.
I walked out of the movie theater all "I liked that!!!!" but idk now that it has settled in I kind of wish I were watching it AGAIN, RIGHT NOW, FOREVER ON REPEAT. Actually really though: I've never seen a HP movie twice in theaters but I think I might have to with this one, because I kind of... had all this leftover Kloves anxiety from the sixth movie and I think it unnecessarily put me on edge through a lot of it. Ron is just. Kind of my favorite?! And the Ron material here is more delicate than the book 6 Ron material, WHICH HE COMPLETELY FUCKED UP. But he did okay, so I guess what I want is to go back and watch it now that I know that, so I can feel less tense about things.
UMM CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW PRETTY EMMA WATSON IS?! Oh my god, girl. Also she managed to pack some really great wardrobe items for herself in that magical bag of hers, she looked so darling the whole time. There used to be this lj icon though, a really long time ago, with a picture of PoA-era Hermione and a caption that was something like "with every movie Hermione's hair is a little straighter and the part of me that's still clinging to canon... dies a little" (or something) and I could not stop thinking about it because man THEY BARELY EVEN CURL HER HAIR NOW. But-- I always do my nails while I'm studying, it's something about keeping my hands occupied. Sometimes you just gotta mess with the Sleakeazy's while you're doing your research, I GET IT GIRL.
OTHER THINGS THAT WERE PRETTY: this mooooooooovie. All the vistas!!!!!! They took such advantage of them not being at Hogwarts, jeeeeeeeeesus. That bit in the middle when they were walking and not apparating -- wow. It really emphasized how much time that period took up.
I actually didn't cry when Dobby died but I totally teared up at the opening bit with the cuts of the trio-- that was suuuuuuuch a good storytelling choice, I am not over it. I will never be over it!!!
HOW DARLING WAS THE SCENE WHERE HARRY AND HERMIONE DANCED?!!!!? And the bit with Ron and Hermione at the piano, I don't know why I loved that so much but I diiiiiiiiid, omg his face. And her face after the thing about the heart. And hahaha Harry's little joke after that. And Harry and Ron's scene at the burrow!!!! God the trio is great.
What else do I have to saaaaaay, I don't know. I've never been hugely on the "HOW DARE THEY LEAVE _________ OUT" team because... what are they supposed to do, they're condensing 600some pages into two hours, but the way this flowed kind of made me wish they had split all the books in two. Of course they couldn't, that would be ridiculous, but there were so few cuts here and even the parts you might wonder about translating to film well really, really came across.
This is an excerpt from
this review of last week's episode:
I'm so disappointed by the way in which Julie's current storyline is unfolding that it actually made me angry to watch her portions of the episode this week. We've known ever
since "head TA" Derek Bishop was introduced that the two would end up sleeping with one another and I haven't been too enamored of their interactions to date. It's possibly due to the lackluster energy of the actor playing Derek, who isn't quite a charming as he needs to be in order to pull off such a rote plot.
But the fact that we learned this week that Derek is actually married (to a woman who is on a sabbatical, posing questions as to whether she's a grad student or a professor) and Julie jumped into bed with him without stopping to think that she is willing to have sex with a married man made me question this plotline as a whole. Julie has made mistakes before, but her lack of judgment and her seemingly willingness not to question the situation (and to fall for Derek's cheesy lines about he and his wife not "really" being married) had me scratching my head. Yes, Julie is attempting to seize the moment and she's not fitting in at all at school but I'm hoping the speed with which she extricated herself from Derek's bed the morning after points towards some realization that she made a mistake.
You know sometimes I forget to think about FNL storylines as storylines-- actually I do that with everything I watch, I like shows best when I can forget that there are people writing them and there is intent behind every choice they make. Because sometimes the best writing is the kind of writing that makes you forget you are reading a story. I know you don't really have that luxury when you are a TV critic, but it was still actually REALLY WEIRD for me to see the way he presented this episode all Vince's storyline: fantastic, moving (it was, though) and Julie's storyline: terrible, undermined the episode. I do not love what they're doing with Julie at all but I hate the words he uses to discuss it, all "but her lack of judgment and her seemingly willingness not to question the situation (and to fall for Derek's cheesy lines about he and his wife not "really" being married) had me scratching my head". Because it's not about her brain, Julie Taylor is not a stupid girl. But she's lonely and she's by herself and she's supposed to be trying new things and she's really, really vulnerable. And Julie has a pretty clear pattern of irrational behavior when she's trying to figure out where she fits in. I don't know, part of me is like "IT'S A GIRL THING, I'M SORRY YOU DON'T GET IT TELEVISIONARY!!!" but I don't know why I feel that way!! It's not like the writers of this episode are even women... and I don't even know why I am defensive of this plotline, IT IS NOT THAT GOOD.
Okay you knowwwwww how we all have those ships where we don't like the show that much but the pairing in question just gives us SO MANY FEELINGS so you end up fastforwarding through entire episodes to get to the two minutes in which they interact?!?! I think that has happened to all of us. Anyway back in summer '09 I had the BRILLIANT IDEA that I would edit together all the Trip/T'Pol scenes ever into one avi file. Or at least it seemed brilliant at the time, but now what it means is that whenever
goldenmelisande ends up rereading old chatlogs on our (SUPER GREAT) Enterprise personal canon it ultimately ends in "...........okay fine let's just watch Trip/T'Pol: the movie" because it is just TOO CONVENIENT. There are no DVDs to get out, no downloading or fastforwarding to do, it is just right there, always. Damn it.
ANYWAYYYYYYYYY I FUCKING LOVE THEM, augh. So (re-)obsessed with the way their relationship plays on all these themes of xenophobia, and the way his involvement with her matures him!!! At the beginning he is just SUCH AN ASS, sometimes in an endearing way, sometimes not so much.
The first time her engagement situation comes up (in season 1) Trip gets sort of inadvertently dragged into it and basically imposes his world view on everyone and is all "i don't get how this is complicated, you do what you want" and then basically compares arranged marriages to slavery, which uh. GOOD JOB BEING TOLERANT OF OTHER SPECIES' PRACTICES, CHARLES TUCKER.
But augh, the second time (in season 4). This is when she tells him she has to get married, and his fucking FACE in the second cap, oh my god. This time there's so much on the line for him, because he's in love with her, but he still goes to her wedding because he KNOWS she needs him there, and two episodes later he tells her he's proud of what she did. PROUD OF IT!!!! Even though it broke his heart. Because she did what was right and he understood. And it's not like he's a completely different personnnn, it's just that loving her teaches him so much about what and who is important.
This scene is like that too: early Trip is SO mistrustful/wary about Vulcan stoicism, it clearly just makes him super uncomfortable. A lot of their interactions in season 1 are just him trying to provoke an emotional response out of him. Which is pretty twerpy!! But here he isssss, only a little more than two years later and he trusts her enough with his feelings to have a breakdown he's been holding in for MONTHS. Ugh and her faaaaaace when she tries to comfort him, especially in the wake of all the shit she's dealing with then, omg.
I PUT THIS HERE JUST BECAAAUSE, ugh they spend so much time just out of step with each other and here they are fiiiiiiiinally, finally on the same page. I didn't get a good cap of it but this is the first time she ever looks at him during a vulnerable moment rather than staring forward. WHY ARE THEY PERFECT