The truly amazing thing about my TV schedule this fall is that I was not even trying to slim it down. There was no inner voice that said "shit, Alexandra, you watch so much television, maybe you should make your life less stressful and drop some of it!" In fact, my inner voice? KIND OF AN ENABLER. But anyway this is what I'm watching:
The two series I've starred I basically kind of don't expect to keep watching beyond three episodes? BUT I'LL TRY THEM TO SEE IF THEY SURPRISE ME.
How I Met Your Mother 8PM CBS (9/21)
I DON'T KNOW GUYS, I feel unenthused! Not because the show's betrayed me or anything, I just... yeah. I think it's the fact that they're (SPOILER ALERT): apparently heading full-speed ahead into Barney/Robin EVEN THOUGH NO ONE HAS TOUCHED ON ROBIN SCHERBATSKY'S MOTIVATIONS OR FEELINGS. I don't knowwwwww, it's so weird to think that I was so into them a year ago because this just feels cheap.
V* 7PM ABC (11/3)
Because Morena, obviously.
Glee 8PM FOX (9/9)
Glee was so internet cool for awhile that now it's internet cool to be ambivalent about it starting? BUT I'M INTO IT. Singing! Dancing! A musical on my TV screen! Jayma Mays! (I ALREADY SHIP WILL/EMMA SO HARD)
The Beautiful Life* 8PM CW (9/16)
I don't even know.
Project Runway I legit didn't figure out which day of the week these were coming out on until today, SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TIME IT AIRS. LIFETIME
&TIM GUNN;! I wanted to like the Models show too, but the models show is LAAAAAAAME.
Bones 7PM FOX (9/17)
Oh, the Bones. So loyal and steadfast even when I continually pick other things over you. YOU'RE GOING TO BE GREAT THIS SEASON, I know it.
30 Rock 8:30PM NBC (10/15)
BIRTHDAY PRESENTTTTTT. Also it's very possible I will start watching the Office again once this starts, THAT'S JUST HOW I ROLL.
Psych USA, idk what time.
I am having a weirdly hard time keeping up with these cable shows that start up earlier than everything else. Partially because my cable just isn't that nice, and partially because I'm not in the mode yet. I guess. I don't know. I also don't know if I ever told anyone aside from
chibirhm that I was watching this, BUT I AM, and this season has been delightful and delicious. And they're (kind of) cutting back on Shawn/Jules UST, WHICH IS ALL I ASK, WRITERS, SERIOUSLY.
SO THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION WE CAN GLEAN FROM ALL THAT AND ALL THIS "OOH FALL TV" TALK IN GENERAL IS THAT FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS IS COMING BACK TO DIRECT TV ON OCTOBER 28. Friday Night Lights!!! My favorite little darling that never ever disappoints me (with the obvious exception of those two storylines in season two, but at this point we have all accepted and grown past those little bits of stupidity, especially since they are directly retracable back to our least favorite network NBC and their gross meddling! Plus, I mean, okay, despite Landry, Tyra, and Matt, season two has a lot of shining moments. LET US NOT FORGET THIS).
ANYWAY, FLIST. You are far far far too behind on this show. Only five or six of you kept up with season 3 as far as I know, and there a lot more of you who have seen all of season one and know how much you love it. And of course there are plenty of legitimate reasons for falling behind, but the time has come to catch up. You have 53 days to watch 13 magnificent episodes of television (twenty-eight if you didn't watch season two either), THAT IS EASY PEASY. We are internerds, we can consume twice that in a quarter of the time. And as motivation, I have prepared for you a mostly unspoilerly picspam from my brand new season 3 DVDs ($23 at Target right now, THAT'S NOTHING AND YOU KNOW IT) to remind you how much you love all of these characters and their pretty pretty show. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Um, I capped everything and cleaned them up myself, so please don't use the images here for your own graphics. Thank you!