OH OH OH BON IVER!!!! God, as soon as they started playing that song I knew. But I love that they've started interweaving Bon Iver songs as a kind of thematic reference to Chuck and Sarah, and "Creature Fears" has that perfectly triumphant moment for the actual part where they grab each other and GOD, ALEX PATSAVAS/EVERYONE WHO EDITS (AND WRITES!!!!) THIS SHOW, thank you. (Also: the way they used Cat Power's "The Greatest". I have never been a huge fan of most of her stuff, BUT THAT SONG IS ABOUT AS PERFECT AS MUSIC GETS.)
Okay but maybe I shouldn't have started with the making out part, because beautiful/hilarious (AHAHAH IOU ONE CONDOM, I... kind of died) though it was (FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES! BATHED IN SUNLIGHT!) it was just a... piece of it.
adinfinitum called this episode Chuck's "Phase One" and you guys, WHAT A FITTING METAPHOR. It's like just when you think you are going to get bogged down in the formula of your spy show, EVERYTHING UP AND CHANGES.
God I was so excited for this on the lam stuff and while I knew it couldn't last longer than this episode (because of Ellie's wedding) I AM KIND OF SAD IT BARELY LASTED. I could have loved an entire season of that, but my perception is skewed by my love of dirty motel rooms and runaways. I am amazed at what I did get in the first fiteen minutes:
a. ONE BED!!!
b. aforementioned dirty hotel room
c. several moments of room sharing awkwardness
d. aformentioned making out
But but but. Well.
Anyway, to move away from that, I AM CRAZY IN LOVE WITH PAPA BARTOWSKI, hello. I want him to hang aroud in season 3! And! Just exist, or something. If the promos are any indication, NBC is kind of collectively creaming themselves over him and my dreams might come true?? :D
I DO NOT KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS INTERSECT ACTUALLY BEING GONE BUSINESS. It in combination with Morgan's triumphant Buy More exit (which... what?) felt kind of weird and too settled and like, if I was sure about this show's continued existence that would be interesting and not scary, BUT. WELL. Anyway the fact that Chevy Chase is still kicking and the wedding looks like a big explosion (POOR ELLIE) and Chuck may or may not be dragged back into everything because he's... used to being a spy is reassuring on that front. So. Okay!
Can we talk about how maybe the Buy More will be gone next season? I know this is wishful thinking, but if Morgan left and Chuck might leave (I mean, why stay, now that he has a Stanford degree and is no longer a CIA asset?). IS IT TOO MUCH TO HOPE???
ALSO OH MY GOD AWESOME AND HIS SUBPLOT!!! His ~investigation~ of Casey was hilarious (I loled so hard at "that stupid family" or whatever it was) AND THEN HE FOUND OUT!!!! And was so shocked and then so delighted! And okay that scene with Ellie afterwards, where he COULD NOT hold it together and, I, just, oh.
AND JOHN CASEY, YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD. I'm sorry your friends went off to play without you, but it turns out they DO love you.
In conclusion, can we please marvel at the fact that Sarah Walker even exists????
ALSO HEY, is anyone still watching Gossip Girl?? I saw promos this weekend and I am super curious about what's going on with Serena's ~marriage~ but not like, curious enough to watch it.