So I guess if you ever want me to watch something I am resistant to watching, the trick is to say "If you do I'll watch Friday Night Lights, Alexandra!!"
It is very strange to watch something you have so long heard about in snatches of feeling but not in actual illustrations of plot-- it creates this strangely automatic detachment. Um. Do you all do the thing where you read reaction posts for things you don't watch? I do a lot but not always, I guess it depends on who's reacting and how bored I am when it's posted. Anyway I think I read about BSG more frequently than the other shows I don't watch and it's strange how little of everything I know from that. I guess it's that it's a rather complexly plotted show, and I never really cared enough to even keep the characters straight in my head. I guesssss I have to do that now.
Okay so I have a question about the religious element though (I mean if it doesn't like spoil me or something? But I don't know why it would?): have the Cylons created their own form of religion? It's really interesting to me how Six talks of God when everyone else talks of Gods, what a strange little disconnect! Actually no, of course they wouldn't have the same religious beliefs, but the idea that the Cylons have a religion at all is crazy and pretty neat actually. I actually like Six in general, is that weird? Her haunting of Gaius is strangely hilarious.
I'm craaaaazy curious about how all this relates back to Earth and... regular humanity (especially since Apollo is one of their Lord... Gods, too?) buttttttt I guess that's why you keep watching. You guys it's so weird, it's been like... a really long time since I've watched something this plot-driven. Everything else I watch is about characters and their relationships and real life, and it's weird because at one point everything I was into had some grand, important purpose to offset the character stuff. This... thought doesn't really have a point because I don't think either way is necessarily better it's just... weird! To be thrown headfirst back into plotland.
In that vein I kind of have no idea how I feel about most of the characters yet. Which I guess makes sense, when I was trying to articulate miniseries thoughts to
stop_theworld yesterday she said this: What I love about Battlestar is that you will have your favorites and your not-so-favorites, but you will also love and hate each and every one of them at some point, because they are so so human, and they are so so human in the middle of the apocalypse, which tends to intensify everything a lot. So.
ANYWAY RIGHT NOW: Sharon's (both Sharons') scenes are my favorite by farrrrrrr, I kind of love her and I think maybe I have some crazy weird fascination with this cylon/human thing, because of my weird fixation on her and Six both. And Leeeeeeeeeeeee, I kind of love him too? I don't know if that's the rational part of my brain or the part of my brain that's really really really attracted to Jamie Bamber. ALSO DEE IS ADORABLE. And Kara's fun, I like grinny people and she was definitely interesting in the one I just finished. BUT UM, I feel like I just finished a sick amount of television (the miniseries is LONG, christ) and it's weird to only have these vague attachments to most of these people? BUT YES, I guess... I will have to wait and see.
It's also kind of weird that they're doing mundane things like dealing with prisons and thinking about elections and training people???? I guess I thought it would be ALL WAR AND INTENSE LOOKS (and sex) ALL THE TIME. But of course that was dumb, what was I thinking.
The Office was actually really delightful (and hilarious!) last night, I MISSED THAT FEELING. Too bad 3D Chuck wasn't. And now I'm going to watch tonight's HIMYM and pray my eyeballs don't fall out from all this TV before I get to the last eight pages of this gender studies reading.