So, I got home, and walked J. I usually check the mail on the way back. I wasn't expecting anything, but lo! Two manila wrapped things. 1 - my FREAKIN'TAX DOCUMENTS FROM ECU! Calloo Callay! maybe now I can start finishing my taxes :p
But what is this smallish other package? has someone sent me a present that i was not expecting? No! It is the new Decemberists CD that i had completely forgotten I'd pre-ordered :D
Quite please with both these things, I mounted my stairs.... to find yet another package, left since I'd taken Jola out :o It was clearly from the UK... I wondered if my dear sister had sent me a surprise.... but no, it was not so! It was in fact a package from
longrat and the ratlings :D Thank you guys so much, cookies are deeelicious, and cute (if a bit....beheaded) :D