May 19, 2008 09:25
So I may eventually coagulate some real summer plans. I'm hoping so, in any case! I will try and organize this thematically, though, so as to project some semblance of organization on my part.
I am finished work, mostly. My boss is gone, in any case, until July and I'm not supposed to start working for him again until August.... and I'll be gone most of August (but hey maybe I will work some in Sept to make up for it, it's only fair.) I am working for the same guy next year. What I actually have left to do is re-draw a couple if images, scan some stuff, photocopy a book, and return a book to inter Library Loan. The drawings could take me a while, but I can work on them super leisurely. It will give me something to get out o the house for, which I am certain I will need. Other than than, no job for the summer, which is both scary and relaxing at the same time.
School is officially over, and I have all my marks back, so, yay! I don't have my papers back, though and I still need to sit down with Wayne and show him some of the photos I've taken. I am going to e-mail Dr. Hatfield about getting back my course from her, and i have been harassing Kevin to get my paper from him already. I sent a copy to another guy in the program who is working along similar theoretical lines, and I might send a copy to Dr. Stewart at ECU as well, just for thoughts - I want this to be part of my dissertation, but I also want to put together something useful, theoretically, for our little corner of academia. I know there is some stuff I need to beef up, and though Kevin thought it was good, he doesn't necessarily have all the info he needs to really judge how well I'm consulting all the material. On the other hand, I don't know who would at this point. To the best of my knowledge, no one has tried to pull all this stuff together yet. I do know there is a big hole in my paper though. I am trying to figure out how to deal with that. I'll spend some time on it next term for my research hours, I suppose.
This is school related, but not completely, so I'm giving it its own section ;) I am going from the 8th to the 18th. I get in in the evening to Nassau, and am staying in the same place as last year. this time, however, I have all the right dates booked, I hope :p I am going to Harbour Island, where I hope to work, on the 11th and coming back the 14th - that gives me about 4 days, as the ferry comes in the AM and leaves in the late afternoon. On the 9th, I have a meeting with Bahamas Guy's boss, which I'm hoping will be productive. What I need to do between now and then is to make a list of the information that I will need to get while I'm there. I know a few things that are on the list already - finding out what government land there is there, and who I need to talk to about digging there, look in to equipment costs, see about lodging for a crew (I'm thinking to try the school). The other big thing I need to do in preparation is to start reading about different survey techniques so that i can start thinking about what exactly I want to do, so that when i talk to Dr. Tinker I can sound like I'm not just talking out of my ass ;p Oh, also, my boss is giving me a little bit of money, which is awesome because a: it shows he really does think I'm all that (the cats ass, as they might say in Alberta, which is so hilarious an expression I will never get over it) and b: because hey, I need it! Anyway, it's all good.
My social life has exploded with the end of term, though i think that will stop pretty soon. Lots of people have already left, nd a lot of others will be gone in a week or less. I have local friends who I've been meaning to get ahold of, but haven't had time. Yesterday was the first night *in* I've spent in a long time. I watched the fist ep of the John Adams miniseries with Buck. I think they're doing some similar things as they did with Rome - condensing time a little, and so forth, but I'm not completely sure. I am no so familiar with revolutionary history details, more with general trends n the way things were going in America just before the revolution. It is still interesting though, to see how they are characterizing different attitudes and such. Hem. I've been seeing lots of different peeps, in any case, and it has been nice. Last week though, I wasn't getting enough sleep and I kind of hit a wall where I had to go to bed super early after turning down an invite. Felt bad, but the next day was pretty awesome!
On the gaming front, we just finished up D2 mini campaign which was amazingly awesome Julie did a really good job pulling stuff together for a short game in a complex world with so many players. I really hope she has time to run in the fall, but I hope we can keep stuff going a bit more informally over the summer! That leaves me with three games, one of which is really infrequent (5K). the others are gateway - Mutants and Masterminds, and Faust. I think I'll cut back in the fall when school starts. 5K may be over or on longterm hiatus by then anyway, but I don't think I'll be joining anything new, unless it is local. Local is different. But really my priority games will be Faust and D2 if it runs.
I have a bunch of Anime (the rest of Utena) I need to watch with Claire before she leaves... I see a lot of tv binging i my future, possibly while baking for her going away do...
Well, apartment, but whatever. I think I mentioned that I got a new couch. I also got a new floorlamp from my boss. My living room needs all the light it can get - the colours are so dark! I also got Jola a new crate, which is pretty big and I hope will be good once she is done growing, but my living room is a little crowded now. It is packed, but there is still room to move about, and more seating, so I think it is good. I need to tidy my study, and I need to clean the bathroom. otherwise, things are in good shape. i also would like to get my curtains made. I have the rods and all, but I don't currently have any way of putting them up. However I'm hopeful that i could borrow a drill from M&A. I also have some more art I want to put up! I suppose I could rearrange my toy displays as well - we'll see. Bathroom, filing and curtains top my list atm.
My allergies have been hellish lately, which is pr for the course in CS. I was on singulaire, but I have communication issues with my doctor, and it doesn't help that I was really kind of down and out f it when I talked to him last, so now I am just on my steroid inhaler and regular allergy drugs. if anyone in Canada wants to send me some allegra, that would be awesome. Just the 12 hour stuff - I can pay you back! I skipped out o a lot of gyming at the end of term, so I am going to try to make up for it now. Which is actually what i am going to do now - go to the gym for swimming! So I probably have more stuff to cover, but will get to it later. Have a good day :)