First of all, thanks to everyone who replied to my post yesterday (err, not the one about Ironman). You did help me feel better - I'll try and reply to everyone individually but I don't know when!
I have been thinking about other stuff, meanwhile. First off, just for my own records, I woke up with the thought this morning that I should check in to the possibility of staying at and working out of the school on HI when i go down there - if I could rent a classroom or two, that would be idea, especially if they have some kind of kitchen and showers or similar. Also see who I need to talk to, in general, about getting access to government facilities and land. I need to e-mail my contact there asap about various things anyway. I can start that today.
Also, I had a dream that my shoes came from Zappos today, but that i had actually ordered them over the phone, and instead of a pair f shoes they sent me one that was "size 2" - a baby shoe - and one that was size 8, which was also too small. How odd.
Also, i have been thinking about this summer. My friend
belryan (recent LJ addition and I have no idea if he's done anything with it other than join - I haven't seen any posts ;p) is going to Turkey all summer, and is leaving tomorrow. However, he has kindly and bravely lent me the use of his car for the summer! So I am hoping I can seriously get some driving practice in.
On the other hand, it has recently occurred to me that if I *don't* get a job here for the summer, there isn't a whole lot keeping me here. i can work on papers and do research elsewhere, especially f I raid the library before I go. So, um, why *would* I stay> My initial thought was that if I was planning to go home for hazel's wedding, why wouldn't I just go earlier? But then again, I don't know how dad and Jennifer would feel about having me live on their couch all summer with my dog, and I haven't really talked to them about bringing Jola either. But maybe there is a way I could do it in stages. I'm not sure... Something to think about, but I am going to be brave and send an e-mail around the department today as well. But if I don't find anything, I could potentially make my way up there more slowly, depending on things like, say, having people who are willing to put me and Jola up who are on flight routes and such. We'll see. I'd like to get my license before I go, and I am going to the Bahamas. I'm not good with plans.
Now, I need a shower, wooh!