Mar 16, 2017 17:15
It's been a good day - I'm updating early because Nary is getting in tonight and I know I will probably get distracted and forget, otherwise :P
I finally got my 3D print of the scissors I was working on done yesterday, and it didn't break when I consolidated it, and then today I got to wax them and hand them off to the museum director so she can take them to the person they are for. I also *almost* finished the report I'm doing form the VR survey responses. I can finish that next week and send it to the guy who made the VR Longhouse, and then get on with redesigning the survey to work online (hopefully).
I was able to pick some stuff up for my sister when her text arrived just exactly when I was walking by the store. Serendipity! It is also much much nicer today than it was yesterday - there was light fluffy snow this morning, but no wind trying to blow me off my feet, and it was overall warmer. I generously bought my sister some snacks as well because I'm awesome, I guess!
Then I came home to tidy up my room and do some vacuuming. And I discovered that my tax return had come in! \o/ It was Not Small, and I was able to buy the new mattress I've been dreaming of for months. I'm so excited! I got an endy, because the reviews seemed pretty good for my needs and it's a Canadian company. I am also earmarking money to get the next part of my arm sleeve done - but that's going to involve a trip to Toronto, so we'll see how it shakes out!
I also feel less bad about spending like $30 on Star Wars comics yesterday. The Kanan ones were pretty much exactly what i wanted. The Darth Vader one was okay, but not as good as I had been led to believe. Mostly I was sideying some of the support characters. You might think I would appreciate a rogue archaeologist character but she was so.... I dunno - fawningly self-inserty in a way that did not appeal to me, I guess. "You're so cool,I'm such a fan, I know you're going to use me and probably kill me and I'm so okay with that." Meh. And the overall plot was kind of meh? But Vader was well written for the story he was in, I guess. I'm not disappointed I bought it, but I would need reassurances that it gets better from that first volume to drop any more money on it.
Anyway.... I feel lie there was more, but I forget. But all in all a good day. And now the kids are home, and we're going to go walk the dogs so we can go to knitting right after dinner. And then Nary gets in later tonight ^-^
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