Mar 13, 2017 01:06
...I am approaching my 4th decade on this planet and apparently still get confused by daylight savings time. I was really convinced it was fall - this should tell you how tired and out of it I was by last night. So basically I went to bed at my usual time and tonight I'm up way late :p I slept well, but slept almost until noon, which was awkward, timingwise.
I was tired and out of it all day, and didn't even knit during game. I went out for dinner and hangouts for a friend's birthday, but came home around 9:30 because I am a pumpkin. Cleaned the kitty box and watched more SW rebels (into season 2! Rex!). I honestly couldn't say how the last hour passed - chatting and face book I guess?
I should go to bed now. Good night!
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