
Sep 12, 2014 08:39

I had a complicated dream last night that I only remember bits and pieces of. There was archaeology stuff, including finding some really good historic glass and pottery in the lower levels of a dig in the "cornfield" of an old farmhouse. I put cornfield in quotes because it felt huge when walking through it, but there was a map later on and it was really just a few rows deep :p Because dreams. I remember an almost intact blue transferware plate, and an almost complete wide pitcher that was very thing purple glass - maybe amethyst glass, maybe alexandrite for extra fancypants.

There was also a cache of historical clothes - possibly two caches of them, one from some kind of provenanced location that had to go to a museum or belonged to some kind of collection that had gorgeous really good condition things that I desperately wanted to have and to wear. I remember a pair of knickers - I guess knickerbockers is the proper term, so as not to confuse the Brits - that were a dark brown corduroy with some bright orange accents on the cuffs (they were so so so awesome, you have no idea. I would kill for pants like that >.>). They might have come out of the farmhouse? Someone else had some similar clothes but they weren't a historian, and had no qualms about actually wearing them, and I was suuuper jealous ;_;

The for some reason I was in a recorder ensemble with some friends of mine, including Kennesaw who apparenlty played the bass recorder,
winnifreddirective possibly on ...tenor? And one random faceless person. I was on alto, which I do play in real life. We were waiting to perform at Memorial Hall, the theatre from my undergrad.* We were hanging out on the stairs up to the balcony, sort of lounging, and possibly we were dressed up quasi-medieval in the costumes we had for the recorder consort I was actually in in high school. The person who got to wear the historical clothes (which actually may have been MiB?) went wandering by in them, and I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't wear mine. And them someone, possibly
curtana told me that I should be grateful that we live in a society that cares about these things, where "these things" meant preserving our history and related material culture. And then I woke up :)

* I have performed there a lot, but really probably spent more time outside of the theatre or on the stage, not in the audience, so the link pic above is a weird perspective for me

history, archaeology, recorder, music, dream

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