Dec 02, 2007 15:04
So, it seems that, holding with the theme of me falling apart and being unable to fix it, my eyes are going bad. This is in addition to the big hole in my tooth. At least I have glasses for eye strain from about 5 years ago, and they seem to be helping. The annoying thing is, the bridge of my nose has a bulge on one side that makes the glasses sit funny. I don't truck with plastic surgery, but I'd definitely spend the money (if I had it) on a rhinoplasty just to get rid of the bulge and fix the inside a bit (I have very small openings in there, apparently). I don't want it to look different, I just want it not to be annoying.
So, today has been a gem of a day at work. Here are some of the highlights:
1. Tracy corrected my version of the sentence she had dictated. My original - "How, you may ask?" Her 'corrected' version - "How? You may ask?..."
2. I kid you not, this is a verbatim question. "Does their mean more than one?"
3. She spent the first two hours of the day with a large green booger poking out of her nose. I really should have said something. She also has chin hairs that distract me. Ok, now I'm being cruel and vindictive. Someone shoot me.
4. Politics discussion, which distilled into 'how can you not support Hillary? She's a woman! I mean, I don't listen to the news or know anything about her platform, but she presents herself well and she's a woman!' This makes me crazy. First of all, Hillary has already had 8 years as president. And I hate with a passion the idea that I am a traitor to feminists by disliking her. Voting for Hillary because she is a woman is blatant, disgusting sexism, as is supporting Obama because he is black. Yes, a part of me wants a woman in the white house. But all I care about is the platforms, and frankly Hillary smacks too much of media censorship for my taste. I'll vote Hillary if she ends up winning the democrat candidacy, but I just don't like her and I'm not voting for a woman because 'it's time we had a woman in the white house.' And frankly, Tracy, if you can't be bothered being informed, don't vote. She doesn't know anything about any of the issues or positions, yet she was deriding me for not supporting a candidate I dislike? This is why I don't bring weapons to work.
I honestly don't give a shit whether our president is black, white, green, short, tall, Catholic, Pastafarian, female, male, transgender, hetero, poly, divorced, homosexual, old, or young. Yes, realistically these things matter in terms of gaining voter support and interactions with other world leaders. Yes, there are social groups I wish had more power. But when it comes to elections, all that matters is WHAT THEY STAND FOR.
This being said, attacking Hillary's dress, cleavage, and 'bitchness' makes me angry. I hate to see her being attacked on the basis of her gender. It's petty and dumb. But feeling bad about that does not make me like her politics. And the fact that I feel guilt because I am not supporting her is driving me batty.... er.
5. At no time, under any circumstances, should the word 'thus' be used more than once in a sentence. In my personal taste, it shouldn't be used more than once in a paragraph. But twice in a sentence? I actually had to force myself to type it.
I also have two additions to the list of words ruined forever.
- Bold. Tracy bolds everything. If I'm sitting there typing for her or 'helping' her edit (read: sitting silently being her hands), there will be five-minute stretches where all she says to me is 'bold.... bold... bold..." I have trouble bolding things in my own work now when it actually is needed. I'm also developing a similar foaming death rage reaction to "hit a control-x," "control-z," "control-v," "copy," and "paste" for very similar reasons. Do it your own damn self, woman, it takes longer to tell me to do it than to right-click the mouse.
- Acrosst. Similar to 'heighth,' this is a dialect for which I have absolutely no respect because it sounds friggin' stupid. It ends in an 's'. Cultural sensitivity be damned, it just sounds dumb.
That's all the pissing and moaning for now.