Et tu, Branwen?

Dec 29, 2009 15:53

Most people don't know that I studied Latin in high school - four years of it, in fact. So today I decided, after my marathon visit to the doctor, that I wanted to start "brushing up" on it.

Part of this is because I realized, in speaking with masahide, that studying Latin has actually helped a great deal with my writing - specifically, the rules of grammar and the etymology of many words we use in modern English. We had a lovely discussion about noun declensions and conjugating verbs, which ended with me skipping around a parking lot conjugating facio out loud.

To whit:

Facio, Facere, Feci, Factum

As a transitive verb, it generally means "to make or to do." And I just like saying 'facio' out loud knowing that.

Such as:

Dean needs to 'facio' someone, and soon...

Wow, that doesn't make me sound like an intellectual elitist and a dorky perv at the same time or anything...

The other part is that I am planning on getting back into writing specific things - if my tentative timeline holds true, which it rarely does these days - that require a better working knowledge of Latin than I have now. Though I can say that I can understand most of the Catholic prayers I've been researching in Latin, including things from the Rituale Romanum...but that isn't all that impressive considering I learned Latin while attending a Catholic school - and I can already recite many of the prayers in English.

That didn't include the now-famous exorcism ritual, but, still...

branni gets her writing groove on, branni kicks ass and takes names, branni is a dork, branni tries not to speak english

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