Ghosts in our rear view mirror
Word Count: 10,340
Characters: Dean/OFC, Sam/Sarah (Het)
Overall Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The Winchester boys aren't mine but I'd make Dean wear his boots all of the time if they were.
Spoilers/Warnings: Everything up to 4.10 is fair game.
A/N: A one-shot written for
dragonsinger as part of the Holiday Hetfic Exchange at
spn_het_love, based on one of her prompts. The prompt is included as part of the end notes. Amazingly, this story is not set in any of my 'verses. (I know, you're shocked.)
maisfeeka and
powerof3 Summary: "There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen
"You're late, Winchester. And you forgot the beer." Cross-posted.