Title: My Love For You Is Like A Truck
elanorofcastileMovie Adapted:
ClerksFandom: Star Trek XI
Genre: Humor with a side of crack; current day AU
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, mention of Spock/Uhura and past Kirk/Others
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 5400 words
Unhelpful Summary: Classy illustrated hooker pamplets. If interested, contact James T. Kirk at ENT Video.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by their respective rights holders and are here merely for fun and not profit.
Author's Note: My endless thanks to
wook77 for being my fandom pimp. She poked me to sign up, cheerleaded and beta'd. The beta'ing alone should get her a gold medal, since I'm the fastest tense-switcher east of the Mississippi, and she caught all of them! Definitely the best braintwin a gal could ask for.
My Love For You Is Like A Truck)