An interesting article.
'Je suis Charlie.' It's a bit late. and the opinion from Israel:
Op-ed: Jihadi extremism is becoming more powerful and the free world is simply not coping; the far-right is not the answer, but neither is surrender. Quote from the first article:
"There has also developed over the past two decades a moral commitment to censorship, a belief that because we live in a plural society, so we must police public discourse about different cultures and beliefs, and constrain speech so as not to give offence. [...] The irony is that those who most suffer from a culture of censorship are minority communities themselves. [...] What nurtures the reactionaries, both within Muslim communities and outside it, is the pusillanimity of many so-called liberals, their unwillingness to stand up for basic liberal principles, their readiness to betray the progressives within minority communities. [...] Liberal pusillanimity also helps nurture anti-Muslim sentiment. It feeds the racist idea that all Muslims are reactionary, that Muslims themselves are the problem, that Muslim immigration should be stemmed, and the Muslim communities should be more harshly policed."