today is monday,
endymion23 and i move on friday. i have done just about nothing to get ready. i cleaned out all the leaf matter and other crap from the front of my house and a small bit of cleaning, but i haven't even picked up any boxes (doing that this afternoon), thus, no packing.
on a completely different topic, my boyfriend is the crabbiest person on the planet when i try to wake him up. he's even worse than my seester. he scrunches his whole face into a scowl and starts huffing at me. he even occasionally swears at me and usually just rolls over and turns his back to me. i don't need him to be up, but i'd like the company while i run my errands (i'm a selfish turd, i know). i feel kind of badly because apparently my snoring kept him up last night and it was about 6:30 before he got to sleep.
i also just retrieved a pants-less child from my yard. the new neighbors have a three year old and a four year old and one of them decided to take an expedition through my side and backyards (not the safest places for small children...). but he took my hand and followed me back to his place, so all is well. now if that damn dog would stop running off so the neighbors would stop yelling for it, i'd be happy.