May 05, 2007 01:54
LoveActually, silly as it is sometimes (I don't get the Billy Mack storyline), is one of my favourite chick-flicks. I love Colin Firth (how can you NOT, with him saying "spaz" and that angry little jig when he misses the taxi?). Even Hugh Grant is adorable.
Keira is gorgeous as ever, and I just know that in a sequel Juliet would end up with Mark.
Laura Linney's dance of SQUEE on the stairs is just fabulous, and if I'm sure about Juliet and Mark, I'm even more sure of Sarah and Karl.
And I frequently say "Just in cases". In my head. And out loud. LOL.
Gods, I adore Alan Rickman. Col.Christopher Brandon. Severus Snape. Very much so when he's reading Shakespeare's sonnet #130. I'd listen to him read the phone book, for how ever long it would take.
alan rickman,