I've been meaning to do this for a long time, and then
bornofstars posted asking for recs, and I decided, why not now?
To start with a vid that I cannot rec highly enough:
Handlebars, by
flummeryI'm the Doctor. Look me up.
This is a vividcon vid that has been on every vividcon recs list I've seen, and with good reason. For all that we love to see the Doctor being geeky and goofy and brilliant, he is after all a 900-year-old alien, and this vid captures everything that is wild and dangerous and downright terrifying when the last of the Time Lords is left to play god in a world of susceptible humans. This is where "Journey's End" started to go, before it backed down; this is all the darkness and terror of the doctor, the childish male arrogance combined with the unstoppable power, the man who can do anything he wants.
It's such an incredibly powerful, well-done vid that my instinct is to recommend it even if you don't watch Doctor Who, except I'm afraid it might scare you off or give you the wrong impression (the show very rarely strikes this note). Or maybe catch your attention - I'm not really sure. It certainly captures the alien-ness of the Doctor, the darkness and dangerousness and wildness and power, in a way a lot of vids/fic (and quite often even the show itself) fails to do. Anyway. If you watch Doctor Who, you should watch this vid. If you don't, you might consider watching it anyway.
Shut Up and Drive, by
laurashapiroI don't have much to say about this vid, other than to copy the author's summary: Martha > you.
The Lonely People, also by
laurashapiroWhat is the cost of a better life?
This is a wonderful look at Rose's time with the Doctor, the joy and excitement and desperation and danger. What really makes it for me are the shots of her family, watching her from home as her travels grow increasingly wild and frantic, all the way down to the heartbreaking ending, which from her family's perspective seems to have been inevitable all along.
Touched, by
humansrsuperiorThis is a very Doctor/Rose OTP vid, though not the sort I usually favor. The Doctor and Rose are not a pairing I go to for angst, generally preferring to see them happily rollicking around the universe for the rest of time. This one is all about separation and despair and doesn't really show anything from a new angle (unlike The Lonely People), but it's well put together and very pretty to watch, so if you're feeling like Doctor/Rose angst, you'll probably enjoy it.
The Wanderer, by
melina123He's looking for company, won't you please say yes?
I never liked Jack in Torchwood nearly as much as I did in Doctor Who, (and don't even get me started on Torchwood - they killed my two favorite characters!) but this is a vid which captures so much of what it is that I do love about him that it makes me want to rewatch. This is the Jack who has been all over the place and seen all sorts of things, is older and lonely and sad and trying as hard as he can to hold onto the people around him. Really gorgeous.
I was going to do fic recs too, but I'm being called away so that will have to wait for a bit. I'll try and get to it soon, though.