
Apr 15, 2011 16:50

I have had an absolutely CRAP week. Work has sucked unbelievably, to the point where I found myself in tears several times (which does not normally happen. :P) I have been given completely unrealistic "top-down" milestones to hit on my project (a major data center migration). If I am held accountable for these, I am set up to fail. If I am not, what is the point of my job?

(No advice, please. I know I need to push back, communicate more realistic timeframes, communicate the impossible-to-achieve circumstances under which the abovementioned milestones would be possible ... whatever. It just sucks. Once again, I care too much about my job.)

Also, my parents have been visiting. While it is been great to see them, and they have helped enormously with childcare and tasks on the household front, 1) it was something of a surprise visit (they were in AZ, and decided to swing over to CA to visit me and my brothers here), and 2) they have now been staying with us for two weeks. I feel guilty, but today I took the day off of work (with one day of notice to my interim manager, because I'd reached my threshhold and just did not even want to be there today) and I am not spending it with my parents.

Instead, I am hiding in a local Internet cafe. I posted an update to Hopeless and also redid my banner for the story; I am much happier with it now. I just hope the title and images are not too depressing, but ... it's appropos for where the story is, I think.

Adding to the general suckage: 1) my husband has been working *insane* hours (like, until four in the morning) at his also insane high tech job, and 2) we got our tax returns back from our accountant last week and owe ... are you ready for it? I wasn't ... $21,000. Jesus Fucking Christ. Don't even ask me where that came from. The good news: we can come up with the $ over the next six months (thanks to the aforementioned high tech jobs that equate to indentured servitude); the bad news: no fun, no shopping, no travel, no home decor, no electronics upgrades, no nothing else. I know, I'm spoiled, but it's still a bummer.

I might feel at least a little better if I felt like the $ was going to a good cause. Suffice it to say that with the financial crises over the last several years and the Tea Party ascendant, I don't.

I try not to be depressing in general, but God, I'm depressed at the moment. :(

ETA: ... and I have "adhesive capsulitis," otherwise known as a "frozen shoulder," in my right shoulder. This ... really, really sucks. It basically means I just can't move my arm past a certain point. I had this in my left shoulder a couple of years ago (it took over six months of intense and painful physical therapy and accupuncture to go away) and now it has reappeared in my right. :( :( :(
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