
Jun 14, 2010 18:06

Okay, this is going to be a rant. Am I the only person who really dislikes Facebook?!

Honestly ... it seems like the rest of the world lives on Facebook. I have an account (for various arcane reasons) and periodically log in, primarily just to friend people back, but I don't update and I rarely respond to comments. Reason #1: I don't have time. Honestly, I don't understand how it is possible to spend the amount of time on Facebook that many people seem to (and these are also people with jobs and kids ... what the hell am I doing wrong?!)

Reason #2: (perhaps more importantly) It seriously freaks me the fuck out to have a forum frequented by: my immediate family, my extended family, random former classmates from elementary school through college, my work colleagues and other people from my professional network, livejournal friends and ... finally ... real life friends. Seriously, I can think of NOTHING that I would want to share with people in all of those different categories, save minutia that is not worth wasting the time on in the first place. WTF?! How does that even work for anyone?

Reason #3: Perhaps because of the above, every time I log into Facebook, it feels like I'm back in high school. I had a great time in high school, but it was 25 years ago! I like to think I've moved on. There are people that I'm happy to connect with again -- that I lost track of, and for whatever reason didn't have the bandwidth to keep in touch with -- but they are in the minority. Given my limited bandwidth for social interaction, I wouldn't (and don't!) choose to spend it on random people with whom I happen to have gone to high school.

Reason #4: I resent the fact that I know a number of people who seem only to be able to communicate through Facebook these days. WTF. I mean, seriously. If I care enough about someone, I can figure out other ways to interact, and if I can't, it's not worth even the time it takes on Facebook.

Reason #5: ... and once again, I just seriously don't have the time.

Can someone explain the appeal of Facebook to me?!

/rant (sorry! :P)


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