Jul 07, 2004 10:35
I need to post the prom pictures but im WAY too lazy at the moment
and the damn r isnt woking so well *ah bugge*
n e way, just a short update to let you all know I'm alive and to have a short rant about all those "tell me if im pretty communities" where people say if you can be in by weather or not your stunning.
I'm sure *damn r* that everyone who is in one *is* good looking, but isn't it a bit shallow that they are judged by it.
I mean I'd hate to have someone say "your pretty but not pretty enough" (I take pesonality above looks all the time!)
RAISA! are you coming out on fri?
REN We have to meet up *ahem and get flav pissed*
FLAV wanna get pissed with me? (no you silly drunk not angry *sighs while hittng her over the head with a bokken*)
im confused about what i should do for my a-levs
im thinkin along the lines of Chemstry, Physics, Maths, and maybe bio as well
I know Ive GOT to do the full Chem A-lev but other than that I'm stumped!
**Sends out call for help/advice*
Any med studants out there that can help me?