
Jun 10, 2007 18:41

Thanks everyone who commented on my last post <3

But, now, its Björk! I went to her concert onnn May 12th, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, it was the best concert I've ever been to and I doubt itll be toped any time soon! And I know Allie was like 'watchaw?! I didn't know you liked her so...!' but, yeah, I was never really fanatic over her music until, like a few months before the concert I randomly started obsessing AND THEN I found out she was coming to Chicago so I was like Holy SHeeeeet! Yeah, the tickets were sold out in, like, 3 minutes - needless to ssay we were up in the nosebleeds. BUT it was at the beautiful Auditorium Theatre which is where I saw my second favorite concert which was Tori (the funny thing is we were sitting where Tori'd looked when she was going her homicidal suicide - as allie named it - improv "Oh! All the way up there!" lol)! anyway, yeah, I was excited. And even though we were in the second to last row in the second balcony, it was still a great view.

Anyway, I didn't get any pictures cause A) No cameras and B) the camera on my phone, like, zooms out so it would not have been a great shot at all..

So she started with Earth Intruders, wait, just kidding, she started with Cover Me from behind the curtain and it was all dark and it was jsut her and an organ or somethin then WHOOM. the curtain goes up and everything/one's there. It was basically awesome. She had on this gold tinfoily dress with crazy tights :)) Unfortunately, none of these videos got the end of the song where those big pillars or fire came up again and everyone went

Next was Venus as a boy! With just her and the harpischord

Aurora. I probably won't comment on most of the songs just cause you'd get tired of 'It was amazing. I love her. Probably my favorite' for every damn one.

Unison.. I love watching her feet in this video, haha

All is Full of Love. I forgot which song it was but at the end she said her first little 'thankyou' and everyone cheered for an extra 30 seconds. Any way, it was fun to see how they incorperated the brass band into some older songs.

Immature. This guys got crazy good zoom on hia smuggled camera..

Pleasure is all Mine was next, but no body seems to have gotten a video of it :( boo.

Its Not up to You. :D

Pagan Poetry! I was surprised she played this. Pretty bad cameraing

OMG! Army of Me! I think this was my favorite... maybe. I dunno, I was really sad I wasn't on the main floor at this point cause everyone was up and dancing and if I'd gotten up to dance I would've fallen down the steep steps and fell to the first balcony. ouch. so I jsut danced in my seat. not as fun. The lasers and lights were awesome and perfectly timed. (sometimes blinding, too) I don't think the videos capture how cool they were.

Innocence! I reallylike this song.

Bachelorette was next, but no body snagged a video. I don't know why cause it was really good, of course. Anyway, as a side note, it felt like the concert had been fucking 15 minutes long at this point. Time flies when you're being amazed.

Wanderlust! (with rainbow lights) this is the only clip

HYPERBALLAD then PLUTO. I could've died right there. OHJEEZZ.SODAMNGREAT

Encore! Encore!

She introduced the band, and then...Oceania. Jamie was hoping for this one - she only has the greatest hits and medulla.

DECLARE INDEPENDENCE!! Everyone went nuts!

And there you go! So awesome! Sorry, there were alot of crappy videos in there (if anyone watches them, lol) but, yeah, I guess security was super GRRR.

and just beacuse i love it:
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