"Oh golly, he's so sexy!"

Jun 06, 2006 21:55

For Kelly, that recipe I said I would type up (omg I remembered!)

Melting Moments (these are rather shortbread-y like... to me anyways. I've not had shortbread for ages, but... I'm sure I remember the uh... them. *coughs*)

1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup butter or margarine
1 large egg yolk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2/3 cup quick-cooking rolled oats

Preheat oven to 350 F. Whisk together the flour, cornstarch and salt in a small bowl and set aside.

In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the margarine or butter and 2/3 cup of the icing sugar together at medium speed for about 2 minutes or until creamy and light. Beat in the egg yolk and vanilla, mixing until blended. At low speed, add the flour mixture and mix just until blended.

Place the oats and remaining sugar in two separate bowls. Shape the dough into one inch balls and roll in the oats before placing on ungreased baking pan. Gently flatten each with the palm of your hand. Bake for 14-16 minutes, or until very lightly browned around the edges. Dredge the tops of the cookies in the icing sugar once they are cooled.

(or, if you're lazy like me, you can just add like a tablespoon or two extra icing sugar into the recipe and just completely cut out both the oats and dousing in the icing sugar altogether. *G* You probably don't even need to add the sugar, but I think I found they were just that teensy bit not quite sweet enough without.. I could be wrong....)

And for Blaaanca, since I said I'd show you Jeffrey's wristcuffs...

Aww, he's pwayin' shewif! ;) (I have no idea what is up with the badges like that... )

The rings. The RINGS. Those and the wristcuff. And scruffiness. He's gonna do me in *G*

And really.. for me. Lol. Okay, for a few of you out there, but also for me. Cause I'm LIKE that ;)

This is actually for a shirt. And.. I just... holy.

Baaaby baby!Anth here.

I think that's everything. Hope you all are well! Lots of love to you all! And lots of hugs too to kaniku!

I'm off to go and read more of The Princess Bride! (love that book!)

And PS. Kelly? This is me harassing you to watch that vid. Omgwatchitwatchitwatchit. (Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?... or however it goes. Lol) Just... y'know in case you didn't remember. Adam's waaay cuter in that than in any of the pics I've seen. *G*
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