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Jan 23, 2017 14:59

Fighting for legal and social recognition outside the gendered societal structure

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Could anyone really have predicted the seismic political events that occurred over the last year and the disconcerting aura that pervaded at the end of 2016?

A brief update to say that I have not gone to ground but there has been a distinct lack of newsworthy stuff to pass on via this site in recent weeks that may or may not be connected to an overall sense of things moving backwards. I do not believe that progress in terms of NON-GENDERED recognition is going backwards because there was effectively no progress in the first place.

On a personal level, my partner and I recently moved home and we now live more than 100 miles outside London. It was a move that we’d planned for some time that had taken several months to execute and was not without trauma. I was born in London and I’ve spent most of my life there. I’d moved around a lot in my early twenties and I’d lived in various parts of London before I managed to settle in Chelsea, SW3 which I will always regard as my home despite that I was driven out several years ago by an early manifestation of the kind of parasitic speculation that eventually engulfed the whole of London and then spread to infect much of the country. I had lived for the last 26 years in Southwark where I began my campaign and eventually the process of engagement with my former MP Simon Hughes to get the issue of NON-GENDERED disenfranchisement raised within Parliament.

Leaving London after all this time has been a culture shock however I feel that we have done the right thing. I certainly do have some withdrawal symptoms. I miss the familiarity. I miss the restaurants, the amenities and the relative ease of access to attend meetings but I do not miss the pollution and the overcrowding that I had found stifling in more recent years. Most of all I do not miss the anonymous and speculative glass towers that are now a common feature of the capital city that stand empty as more and more of London’s people are driven out due to unaffordability and, for us, an inexorable sense that London has lost something - its beating heart.

Insofar as the campaign in concerned, as indicated in my last posting on the site, it really is a matter of business as usual - and now that we are getting used to our new locality I am prepared to push harder than ever to win and to secure the legal and social recognition of NON-GENDERED IDENTITY upon a principle of legitimate identity as a fundamental human right.

EDM 11

More than 70 MPs have now added their signature to support EDM 11.

A reminder to everyone to contact your MP and urge them to sign the motion. It is more important than ever that the message is heard loud and clear within Parliament. ‘X’ PASSPORTS NOW!!!

The denial of existence is the worst act of discrimination by the gendered majority against the non-gendered
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