Jun 12, 2010 23:52
So my last entry was private because it's about sex. I have no problem talking about my sex life, but since my sex life involves Brian's sex life, I might be invading HIS privacy by talking about it here. Funny how that works, huh?
Anyways, here's an update.
I'm still living with Brian, his brother, his best friend, and his best friend's girlfriend in that house that's very south of everything.
My grandmother is trying to sell her house again and offered to sell it to Brian and me. Brian sees this as a great opportunity, so we might be buying the house from her.
In other news... My You Tube channel is flourishing nicely. There's this gentleman, Beanmeister22, who is helping me market my channel. This guy seems to know what he's about when it comes to networking on You Tube. I have 2 partnered videos now! And I have about 500 subscribers now.
I'm with a comdey troupe called Skitsations. It's sort of a growing company, so we're still working on making a name for ourselves. The founder of the company is doing a reality TV pitch for Oprah Winfrey.
Meanwhile, I'm also volunteering for a fundraiser for a theater company I hope to be working with soon. The fundraiser is a dinner murder mystery show. We'll see if that pans out...
I didn't ever hear back from the high-paying infomercial company...oh well...
I just did a trailer for a film called "Goodbye Florida" where I played the Seminole girl on the State Seal....The one dropping all her flowers. I actually got paid for that one!
I got an email from a model friend of mine who's boyfriend is doing a pilot Vampire series he's going to submit to Showtime....Haven't heard back from them yet. I wonder if it fell through????
We'll see.
I'm actually getting excited about You Tube...Maybe if I can get enough popularity on YT, these stupid casting directors and theater companies will pay more attention to me and HIRE me for once. I don't know why I have such a hard time getting casted for shows....Brian thinks becuase I don't look generic enough. I dunno...
I started modeling again....Pin Up, Vintage stuff... I like it; it matches my personality. As Brian always says, I have an old soul....LOL