Sep 09, 2007 00:18
My head is going to explode....
Got hit in the head by a huge tree branch last night at work. Old tree + really windy + me in the wrong place at the wrong time = a trip to emerge. I called into work that I had got hit in the head, and I was light headed and woozy and seeing stars. I asked to go home, and supervisor said she had to get permission from the owner before she could let me go home. He could not be reached, I stayed for the remaining 2hrs of my shift. -- I left my car at the pool and took the subway home because I felt too out of it to drive home. A few of the ladies who swim every night told me to go home, and I said if I went home they'd fire me. So at the end of the night one of them gave me a ride to the station, and was insisting on driving me home.
Jake woke me up at some point when he left to go into work. I said I was alright, went back to sleep, did this because I was sleepy, and didn't really feel anything. I woke up around....7somethingish and was in sooo much pain. My head had so much pressure in it and the back of my head felt like it was split it two. So as I promised (if I still wasn't feeling any better I'd go into emerge), I took the subway down to North York General.
I call my supervisor and tell her that i'm in at emerge and that I would call her when I knew anything. I check my messages, and among other things she tells me that "unfortunately, I still had to show up at work." I ended up having a cat scan and x-rays done to make sure that nothing was out of place or swollen or something. The doctor said that I had a concussion. I asked her how long I should take off, she said as long as I felt I needed. I said the company wanted me to work today after I got out of emerge. She said I don't think so. So we got talking about the company I work for. And filled out WSIB forms. The doctor also gave me her work # if my supervisor should need to talk to someone.
Jake left a message on my supervisors phone politely telling her to fuck off, she's not going into work today.
So I phoned her after I got out of the hospital (a good few hours after) and was so happy that she didn't answer, I just left her a message on her cell saying that the doctor said I couldn't go into work until wednesday and that the hospital is sending in WSIB forms. There's going to be hell tomorrow and my head hurts too much to deal with it. After all this I'm more concerned about them firing me than anything else. I know I shouldn't be, but I am.
Back in June, I got laryngitis, and they said I had to work. I said if I worked, that I wasn't responsible if anything should happen due to my lack of voice. They said if I was working, that I was responsible for anyone using the pool. I said I wasn't going to work then, they said even if I was contagious, that I had to work. I said no, I had a doctors note saying I couldn't work, they said that they would fire me. Because of this, I didn't get my pay raise in August, and now this is going on and I have no idea what's going to happen. So fucking glad I get to go on a cruise on October... 21 days and counting...
btw, I know I don't post a lot, and sorry this is so long. I don't know how to do the link thingys..