(no subject)

Oct 19, 2006 22:14

-Closest red thing to you?: An Emile Henry Ramequin
-Last thing that made me angry?: France
-Do you have a temper?: Yes and no. I get upset and cry when I'm mad.
-Last warning you were given?: I guess France telling me to listen to her.
-Ever been in love?: I'll say yes, cause I thought I was in love with my crush. It took months to get over him.
-Are you a fan of romance?: oh yes. bring it on.

-Closest orange thing to you?: A shot glass from Australia
-Do you like to burn things?: no
-Dress up for halloween?: yup
-Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: yes
-Do you have anything against ginger hair?: nope
-Are you usually full of energy?: not really

-Closest yellow thing to you?: Egg-Dog Maker. No I'm not in the kitchen. I just have a lot of kitchen things in my bedroom.
-The happiest time of your life?: I'd have to say Disneyworld or living on my own.
-Favourite holiday?: Passover
-What makes you smile?: my friends
-Are you a coward?: yes they call me a blonde at work.
-Do you burn or tan?: Tan

-Closest green thing to you?: Glister mouth spray
-Do you care about the environment?: Yes.
-Are you jealous of anyone right now?: yes
-Are you a lucky person?: I used to be luckier. I guess my luck has changed
-Do you always want what you can't have: yes
-Do you like being outdoors?: if there are no bugs

-Closest blue thing to you?: Blue Shot glass from Lake george
-Are you good at calming people down?: I try my hardest. People say I'm a good listener
-Do you like the sea?: yup
-Last thing that made you cry?: France
-Are you a logical thinker?: sometimes
-Can you sleep easily?: depending on what's on my mind

-Closest purple thing to you?: My pillows
-Like being treated to expensive things?: I like expensive stuff, but I also like cheesy things
-Do you like mysterious things?: if it's interesting
-Favourite type of chocolate?: Light
-Ever met anyone in royalty?: No
-Are you creative?: yes. I like doing art.

-Closest pink thing to you?: nail polish remover
-Are you gay/bisexual?: No.
-Do you like sweet foods?: depending on the food.
-Like play-fighting?: I guess so.
-Are you sensitive?: yes Definetly
-Do you like punk music?: depending on the group

-Closest white thing to you?: bookshelf
-Would you say you're innocent?: No
-Always try to keep the peace?: yes...
-How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one: Oh I want one. I want a big one. I have it all planned out in my head. I just need the groom.
-Do you like to play in the snow?: I used to
-Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: I don't like the dentist and I cry when I see the doctor.

-Closest black thing to you?: my laptop
-Ever enjoy hurting people?: no
-Are you sophisticated or silly?: Both
-Afraid of death?: yes
-Would you like to go to space: it'd be cool but I'd be scared
-Do you have a lot of secrets?: A few.

*As the day draws to a close...*
-What is your favorite color?: red
-Does the color you wear affect your mood: Depending on the outfit.
-What color are your bedroom walls?: beige here and lime at home.
-You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colors?: Contrasting
-Do you like to paint?: A picture, yes. The apartment NO!
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