Nov 18, 2004 02:05
Wow. I havent updated in a while. Well I mean an actual update.
So.. This week has gone SO effing slow. To me atleast. But yeah. Today I had a lesson. It was so funny. Mr. Brookes is so hilarious. Yeah.
How has everyone's week gone? Tomorrow is Friday. YAY!!
I love it. Me and Sarah are gonna go see The Incredibles tomorrow night. I can't wait. Its gonna be fun! I really wanna see that movie. Yeah. Sarah is awesome! I love her to death. And all of my other friends too. Just her more.
Yeah. I'm very bored. And tired. I didn't wanna go to my lesson today but I had to. v.v
It was funny Brookes called himself a bastard. And he said it in the funniest way. I mean really. Why are some teachers awesome and then some really aren't. I dunno. Well yeah.
Nothing to say.