Race report

Aug 10, 2014 20:26

Have accomplished a major goal I set for myself this year - last night I participated in the Midsummer Night's Run 5K.  Overall, it was a great experience.  I can't quite say I "ran" the 5K, although I'd say I ran over 2.5 miles of it.  I did have to take a few walk breaks.  Note to self for next year - the first half of the course is uphill.  It's a gentle, gradual slope, but certainly noticeable.

According to the scoring system, there were 3,881 participants.  That's a lot of people!  The race was on Main Street, an up-and-back route, and it started at 8:30 pm - about 6 minutes before sunset.  When we first set off, the street was packed with people.  Despite my best intentions, and repeated warnings to myself, I set off way too fast.  Partly it was because it seemed like everyone in the world was running past me!  It wasn't that I felt like I had to catch up - I was afraid if I went too slow, someone would run over me.  Then again - of course everyone I saw was passing me, because everyone I didn't see stayed behind me.  Logic!  I really did consciously try to slow down, but even my slowed down pace was too fast at first.  Something to work on in the future.

There were people of all ages and skill levels.  Some people walked the whole course.  The winner finished in just over 15 minutes - three consecutive five-minute miles!  Toward the end I was passed by a little old man in bermuda shorts who more or less sprinted past me.  There were many kids with parents.  I was most amused by a man wearing a "Cat in the Hat" red and white striped hat, jogging with a stroller, and calling out jokes and encouragement constantly.  "I like your hat," I said as he passed me.  "THANKS!" he said.  "FIRST HAT COMMENT, YAY!"  His running companion, I assume his spouse, informed me that she had "vetoed the gorilla mask."

It wasn't an easy run.  It was hot and humid, and as I said, the uphill section was pretty challenging.  I concentrated on my running form (small steps, good posture) and reminded myself to enjoy and appreciate the moment.  There were people along the course who came out to watch and cheer.  One of the sponsors, Orange Leaf, had set up a "High Five Station" to encourage the runners.  I missed the first water station, but got a drink at the second.

I would like to continue doing this.  Everyone who participated got a race T-shirt, and I've been wearing mine all day.  It just makes me happy.  I'm not a good runner, but to me this represents a goal that I set, worked all year on, and accomplished.  I can continue to set incremental goals - run the whole 5K, run faster, etc.  
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