Jul 09, 2008 22:54
Right now I'm in Louisville, Kentucky for work. This is stop one on my 10+ site visit tour (Omaha, St. Louis, and Tulsa next week, then Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Central Massachusetts, Hartford, Raleigh, Largo, Miami, and....duh duh duh....Seattle and Anchorage, Alaska!) I just got back from St. Louis and LOVED it. LOOOOVED it. Went to the City Museum and almost fainted from pure excitement (look it up. most awesome place EVER). Then I drove back to the B-lo for my sister's graduation. It was nice...saw Ms. DeMarchis (who has my business card on her bulletin board--ooo la la!) and Sr. G. (who had another kid). I feel bad that I can't visit them too much...maybe I'll take a trip to Buffalo in the fall for the sole purpose of visiting. Who knows though. Then my brother came back with me and staying in Philly for a week. We had a good time. I knew he'd love it (but then again, what's not to love about Philly??).
I am mostly just writing to say another one of my friends from high school got married and just had a kid! Gah! That would be impossible for me. My neighbor is going to have a kid any day now and I must say, I am not excited. At all. The honest to god truth is that I would be far more involved and excited if they were getting a new dog. I just don't get the kid thing...neither having one or being excited about other people having one. Who cares. The world is overpopulated already.
Anyways, speaking of babies...my new baby Cody is doing quite well. He's out of shape and definitely rusty with his cues (and his manners!), but he is so sweet and I love him already. He's got such a nice cheerful personality. He's also fun to ride and has an absolutely beautiful canter. Why have a baby when you can save an ex-racehorse and give him a good home :)
That's about it...oh! And I got DE-FRIENDED on Facebook the other day. Boo-hoo. Who cares. It wasn't a shocker by any means. There was an incident between two of my friends...basically one took sexual advantage of the other. Her story made sense. His did not (no surprises there). So, I asked for his story, it was obviously total BS (this guy hits on EVERY girl repeatedly, especially this friend, and his story was basically that she took advantage of HIM and he tried to stop it--there is NO WAY). Anyways, I told him that since I wasn't there, I can't really judge very well, but I do know he's a perv and a liar (everyone knows he's a liar, but my friend and I also tested it). So...the long and the short of the story is he de-friended me. Coward. He'll deny it and say it was some sort of "Facebook glitch"--which will also be BS, since he always deleted my comments to him, probably to hide them from his girlfriend. Ahem, fiancee. (By the way, the comments were never anything but neutral...). Stupid stupid. De-friending someone is probably the most retarded thing anyone could do. The only statement it makes is that you have the mentality of a 12-year-old. Besides, shame on him for what he did.
I should go now--I have a site visit tomorrow with our Kentucky agency! Later y'all!