Memories of heading to church early morning with the people i hold closest to my heart (apart from my family) to seek comfort and guidance on the day of o levels results, collecting the actual certificate itself, the torture of choosing the right school and eventually stepping into the once-unfamiliar gates of ACJC for the first time ever. Despite a year having came and went, these are fresh and very much alive in my mind.
2011 has been an amazing year. But like everything else, this chapter has to be left behind, bad times eroded by the waves that come crashing, taking along with it the hurt that and sorrow that accompanies. Good times, friendships that I cherish and have been cherished, will be inked and tucked deep in my heart, forever.
This year, I experienced life in a new school for the first time ever. 10 years in st nicks left me a very vulnerable and narrow-minded girl as to what lay beyond those convent gates. My dad asked me once if I had any regrets picking AC as my first choice. My answer was an outright no. & its true. I thank God for paving this way for me, having Him by my side while making such important decisions definitely made life easier. I am blessed.
This year, I met many that I know for sure, will stay in my life as long as I was in college. However, I also forged fantastic friendships that though few, I know are strong enough to tide me through my AC life.
I have many people to thank for leaving 2011 an unforgettable year for me. If i were to state everyone, it would've been a never-ending list. So here's a shout out to to people I know the best and who knows me best.
My family, firstly, for the times I was impatient, rude, annoying or simply growing up. You have seen both the best side and worst side of me and it is because i know every single one of you love me the way i am, accept me for who i am and will never hold a grudge against me for the things/sins i commit, i dare to be myself. Thank you for tolerating me and loving me on both my best and worst days.
My golden girls, namely the dwarfies.
you girls have been my everything. Thank you for sticking by me. Love how i know i will always, always have all 6 of you guys on my side come what may. This year has seen some tears and hardship for us, but we all know what doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger. My best friends, for life (and i say this with conviction).
Bento & Ruth
Beats me why this photo's so tiny. But anyhow, you guys have been my 24/7 friends, the two i can say safely who knows me best and loves me best, inside out. The both of you have tolerated my weekly rants, suffered with me through the downside of my life and picked me up to my highest. I will never, ever trade friends like you both for anything cause if i did, i would be left with pretty much nothing. Love you.
My closest and most constant confidantes in AC.
My Aiai and Muns. You both are friends that make me not regret coming to AC. I love how we can talk about everything and nothing at the same time. How we could pon classes together then panicking to come up with an excuse just because we got caught. I will never forget the countless times we climbed the back gate just to escape from school and have a break at starbucks or wah chee, Love how when i'm with either of you or both of you at the same time, I feel empowered like a superwoman although I'm just me.
THE ULTIMATES. The people who kept me going throughout my secondary school life. My rock and support for the last 4 years i spent in st nicks. They contributed and were probably the reason, for most of my laughters. Loved how we would fight over the last piece of biscuit that we all loved eating as if it were our life, how we comforted each other through tough times in the crudest way ever, how we used to strut down the canteen imagining it to be our palace and how we were the noisiest of the badge but yet the most focused and determined when it came to our respective sports. You guys were a huge part of why St Nicks were the best years of my life. I'm grateful that we were all put in the sports class, because i think the main reason we all gelled so well was because despite conflicting personalities and all, we were fighting for the exact same thing when it came to competition ground. We stood up for each other, and went through thick and thin as one. Although we're all in different schools now, I love how we all stay in touch and how we all hold 4charity as a special place in our hearts. 4CEEE, TILL THE COWS COME HOME <3
i love how we're still this tight. From SnMidd times to AC X-country to now. Love how we can laugh together till no tomorrow, how we often recall the best times we had together in SN, our pepper lunch dates and grueling hardcore trainings with susie. It hasnt all been good times, but we made it through together and i'm so bloody glad i had you three by my side. Come 2012, I will definitely miss us being in the same school again together :( Will definitely miss how we would pon class and hibernate in the cafe just to have a good chat about life and make each other feel better by chasing away monday blues. We're all so different but yet have an amazingly similar wavelength. Most of all, we click and thats what makes us, us.
Lousier/less hot version of Brad Pitt. My longest lasting OG mate and probably, mate for life. I'm so glad I met you in AC because its always good to know that amidst such a pretentious atmosphere that I've found me a true and genuine friend. With you, I can always let down my guard and just be myself because i know you will never judge me for who i am at that point of time but instead, know me for who i truly am. We may have only known each other for a year, but it feels like you know me as well as my other dwarfies/st nicks friends. Being with you just reminds me of home, so here's to many more years of friendship.
AC CROSS COUNTRY 2011. The people apart from the dwarfies and bryce that were present at my 17th surprise celebration. Seeing that I've already written about Ruth, Serlin and WeiTing, here's a shout out to the rest. To the guys: Lester, James, Zorn and Sunny. All of you have brought me so much laughter and no doubt happiness to my 2011 year. Although all of you are always taunting me, making fun of me and criticising me, I also know that when it comes to times when i need people the most, you will always be there to cheer me up. The times when you sacrificed well preserved energy to run the last stretch with me and cheer me on, the advice you have provided me with. We may not be the best at conveying our feelings/emotions to each other through words but in action, you guys are always, always there. & to Wan ping and Kenn, though we may not be very close, thank you for being present at my birthday and being part of a team that i will never forget.
& to everyone else who has played a role in my 2011 life, you know who you are and thank you.
Apprehensive i am about the coming year, i'm rather excited too because I'm gonna work hard to achieve my goals.
After all, nothing worth having ever comes easy.