(perpetual calendar, garden)

Jul 08, 2024 18:34

I got too spooked to finish harvesting by a bug that looked very crab and spider-like in the mulberry tree. I think it was this guy https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/eastern-leaf-footed-bug -- although mulberries aren't mentioned, everything else is.  Anyhow, i think realizing it's NOT a spider and is a pest will make me a little more ... courageous... tomorrow.

Plenty of mulberries picked, as it was, plus a handful of strawberries, a fig and plenty of blueberries.

Several Aunt Rachel apples are turning red.

All the plants are a riot of growth with over 4 inches of rain since Sunday June 30. My sister, less than four miles away as the crow flies, has had perhaps just over an inch. It is remarkable how localized thunderstorms can be. (And this is why i got the rain gauge: I'd read the accumulation from the weather sites and be perplexed because it was very different from my experience. https://maps.cocorahs.org/ provides an excellent view into rainfall in the US: i am NC-CH-41: Pittsboro 3.3 NNW)

No fireflies in my brief survey tonight at 9:30 pm. Not dark yet, so maybe in an hour. It's not hot but the humidity is just oppressive.

post-tags: perpetual calendar, garden

garden, perpetual calendar

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