(adhd, f&f, critter watch, household)

Jun 20, 2024 04:09

Happy solstice! I plan to take Friday next week off to observe the change in season and get my hair done (roots touch up, probably, although maybe some fun color?)

The early June family visits are over; next big family thing is my mom's internment in Arlington National Cemetery in early August.

Christine's brother in law B has been in and out of hospital since last mentioned. Christine brought them dinner at home on Tuesday night. Wednesday at 2 am they were back in the hospital. Their state is a worry.

I've been in that procrastinate and make self miserable until last minute when then one works late just before the deadline mode. More of that today, i guess. Having a label (ADHD) helps just a little. I know there's also insecurity wound in there too. Joy.

Squirrels do a remarkable amount of crashing in the treetops to get to the mulberry tree and feast. I cannot imagine that they are harvesting the low branches i can reach unaided. I presume the reduction in harvest is that they shake the tree and the berries fall. Black berries are coming to the end and the blue berries are getting started, but plenty of pale unripe mulberries hang where i inspect and test one or two for ripeness. The mulberry tree also has webworms, which i trust will become targets for birds with many mouths to feed.

The meadow camera caught a doe with fawn last night - hurrah!  I've been fiddling with the other cam in a new location on the driveway trying for a balance that would get a vehicle pulling far enough that we could pick up a vehicle pulling in far enough to throw a many pierced squashed Natural Light beer can in the woods or take the rainbow or gubernatorial "yard" sign, but not get every single car. I need to tweak something - it got Christine coming and going to the grocery but not my amble down and back. The beer can is JUST WEIRD. Our verge receives a fairly steady  Natural Light can toss. Not quite every day but a can or two a week. There's plenty of litter that happens: i assume when we put the "Black lives matter" sign nu it was more that we gave a target for tossing the litter than anything else. When the "Black lives matter" sign crumbled from the weather, we replaced it with a gubernatorial candidate sign and a text-too-small-to-read-with-rainbow-trim sign. That sign was gone within a week. Two weeks? It was quick. It's been replaced by a bold rainbow flag sign and we have a back up in the house.

Christine was agitated about protecting the sign, i had more of a shrug attitude about it. But early this week i found a beer can in the woods where i cannot imagine it arriving via the usual toss out the window of moving vehicle. And it had LOTS OF HOLES. I've gotten different opinions on BBs, birdshot, or just someone poking holes in it. Subsequent investigation seems to indicate the holes all are bent in -- no exit wounds. If it was meant to be a message, it's really a poorly constructed one  (sign stolen, shot, and returned is a message, this -- isn't that). It *is* littering, and it could simply be someone pulling off the road into a driveway with a dark house in the distance at night, drinking a beer, and then taking out aggression on the can while, i dunno, making a phone call? And then chunking the open but empty container because NC has an open container law that would make the empty can in the vehicle an offense.

I've always figured we were one beer can's distance from some job site, and the sign just makes a nice target for tossing the can out of the vehicle.

I suppose delivery drivers and guests would appreciate a little more light on the driveway but i like dark skies.

post-tags: critter watch, household, adhd, f&f

household, critter watch, adhd, f&f

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