Jun 01, 2024 11:10
Tuesday, again, in "So glad i am not a farmer" news, and "Bleeping forecast showed a low of 36°F" (turned out i was looking at the wrong forecast): Back fence 4:42 am 32°F, 6:57 26°F, 9:02 33°F -- over 4 hours. 4:37am for the open area to drop to 32°F, got down to 25°F, hit 33°F at the same time. For blueberries: "flowers distinctly separated with corollas unexpanded and closed are killed at 28 F. Fully opened flowers are damaged at 29 F ..." At this point, the corollas had expanded. For strawberries: "Before the flower buds have fully opened (tight bud stage) the buds can survive at temperatures as low as 20° F. Once the blossoms are open, they are damaged at 30° F." Well, the strawberries are close to the ground so maybe the soil kept them warmer. Wednesday morning's review of overnight temps showed a low of 29° returning to above freezing at 8:42 (but i am recording on Thursday so I don't have access to the temp measurements over 24 hours old).
Arcturus and Vega - On Thursday i noted a reddish star hanging above the western pines. Maybe Mars? And a bright point near the tall cherry tree. Ah, this is still Arcturus -- moved west and i don't remember it so red -- and Vega.
post-tags: perpetual calendar
perpetual calendar