I'm declaring comment response bankrupcy. I do appreciate when you engage with what i write. I wish communicating wasn't quite so hard for me, and i could just engage. Don't stop!
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I've been hyperfocused on reading the web comic
Dumbing of Age. Part of me is very frustrated at how long it's taking to read through the archive. Even doing the math -- the daily comic started in 2010, so there's been about 4380, and random strip checking is about 50 words per strip -- a 730 page novel of text, then the content of the drawings... Ok, this is some tome. And there was a stretch where i think the ad-ware on the site had really overpowered my browser and page loads took forever.
A voice in my head wants to know why i am so interested in the plot beyond the sunk cost fallacy. I think it's partly some level of foreignness that is the gulf between my college career, pre HTML, pre AOL, pre pervasive video game access, pre broad awareness of sexual and gender diversity and the starting date for the comic in 2010. The depiction of a home schooled and sheltered Christian fundamentalist encountering challenges to her faith has been very well done, i think, and my curiosity about how that will resolve does drive reading.
It is fascinating to stretch story telling of a year of college for over ten years, when tech and culture has changes so much as the story has been told.
Anyhow, that has just sucked up free time and some time that should been used for other purposes. I finally caught up to current last night.
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Things going on:
Enjoying watching Christine play Jedi Survivor (and sharing in some of the puzzle solving and narrative work)
Staying up too late with gaming off and on
Luigi crying and loudly talking. I think it's feline dementia. Christine keeps thinking about ways he might be uncomfortable or uneasy and tries to fix. The night time crying is not helping with sleep issues.
Some cat poopin out of the box. Maybe Luigi?
Dishwasher didn't arrive at Lowes on the 20th, and over the past week our card has been charged, uncharged, charged, uncharged.... We are switching to Best Buy, although i am uncertain this is going to be better on the actually delivery of the washer to the store. The improvement is Lowe's contracted installers have very fuzzy window to contact you to schedule the installation; Best Buy has their own staff. So maybe better? With luck, the communication might be better than Lowes, which has been very opaque. When calling i got some rambling that i think mean "supply chain issues from manufacturer". I could continue to complain.
Not out of paper plates yet. Very happy with the rattan paper plate holders i inherited from Mom which allows using the flimsy single paper plate.
Keep forgetting to use the stash of plastic cutlery that we have accumulated from restaurants that don't read the "do not send cutlery" message. I don't think Christine uses the word "cultery" when asking.
Wrestling with exercise and care and motivating myself.