Aug 19, 2008 22:02
I hate how emotionally involved I get with fictional characters.
Like seriously, so redic. Fucking Eureka. It's supposed to be a fluffy/funny show, it should not make me bawl over the fact that the bastard of the show got like time-fried or whatever. Seriously, on his wedding day, wtf?! That's just cruel. Where are we going to get the endless sarcasm at Carter's expense? And what about Allie? Wtf, man? I'm trying to figure out how this would contribute at all to the plot but seriously, what?
Though the actual plot was interesting. I kind of thought it wierd how it all ended up in basically the same place no matter what Carter did different. I guess the Butterfly Effect wasn't taken into account or if it was it was subtle. Maybe if the time loop was more then ten hours it would have had more of an impact.
And when Carter sang the equation, I was like AWWWWW \o/
But omg, Fargo was frickin adorable this episode, like sugar and unicorns seriously. I just want to squish him and feed him cotton candy and keep him in my closet where he can do smart things for my entertainment.
fargo makes me happy,
butterfly effect,
tv shows