Oct 04, 2004 21:15
Well, I worked tonight for 2 hours, which is an improvement compared to 1 hour...haha. I actually didn't mind going home early though, my back has been hurting so bad! Like extremely bad...I want to go back to the doctor, but there isn't really anything they can do. I already know whats wrong, but it just hurts. I have to go and get a doctors note for work though, cuz it's really bothering me...hopefully it gets better, cuz if it gets worse my doctor said I have to have surgery, and I DON'T want that!
Tonight we're under a frost warning....FROST! It is really cold out though, like winter jacket cold! It makes me realize why I like summer, but then when I'm hot I want winter...I'll never be satisfied I guess. However, I hate being hot more than I hate being cold. In my opinion, being hot is miserable! Cuz there's only so much you can do to cool you down, but there's a lot you can do to get warm. Thats just what I think.
I've realized lately that I need to pay attention more to politics...I never really cared before, but now that we are like weeks away from the election, Im like holy cow! I'm totally for Bush, there's no question there. I mean I don't know that much about Kerry but I do know that I can't stand him! He's so annoying and all he does it talk about how he's been in war before, and he's served his country, and he was in vietnam....I mean thats cool but get over it, its like he wants an award for it. And then he changes his mind too much, he's too indecisive. And it also bugs me how people say they hate the war and its terrible (no war is good) and its all because of Bush, but thats not true...I think no matter who is in office, there will still be a war. It's not going to just go away. Bush has done a lot of good things in the war, even though people have died. It's not like being president is easy...you have to make really hard decisions, but I think Bush is doing a good job. Plus, he's like 1000 times better looking than Kerry!
All I can say is, I'm excited to vote and I hope Bush totally kills Kerry in the election.