Daily Questions

Jan 15, 2014 23:07

January 6: Today was tough because ____ ?

Food, I think I made a bad decision in signing up for an apartment. I sort of let my impatience get the best of me on this one, didn't realize how bad the dollar is against the won right now, and bit off more than I can chew, really. I'm not exactly in trouble financially, but I've really put myself in tough waters until mid-March or so.

In Korea, you have to put in a huge deposit in order to get a decent apartment anywhere. And I went a little too optimistically high on myself. I will, fortunately, get it all back at the end of the lease. However.... Well, it was stupid choice. It really was. The only good part now is that the monthly fees will be happily low.

January 7: You are lucky, yes or no?

As Mattie so wonderfully put, I am a very blessed individual. Past, present, and certainly future, I've so much to be grateful for.

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