I Lost The New Game.

Jan 29, 2006 17:56

On a less declatory note, I'm leaving. The country that is. And all of you. Tomorrow to be specific.

As promised, I'm leaving/writing/posting a live journal. My first one to be exact. In my opinion there should be some sort of ritual for this due to the obvious fact that livejournal is both cult-like and addictive. And cult-like addictive things deserve some sort of "joining ritual". Anyways, I’ve joined said cult and am currently facilitating in its expansion. Haha.

Onto bigger and better things--since I’m not going to be here in America any longer, and I might just miss a few of you…here’s my address in Israel. I’ll explain more about the program which I’m departing the country on in a later entry. Good plan?

Snail Mail:

Elaina Kaplan
NFTY EIE High School
Kibbutz Tzuba
90870 D.N. Harei Yehuda
-----write "AIRMAIL"





So that is that and today is yesterday’s tomorrow meaning that…well I’m not quite sure, but tomorrow is really really really ridiculously soon.

I love you all and despite what you all may say, you really are going to forget about me in a few weeks. But nonetheless, I love you all even though I might just forget about you guys in a few weeks too. Just kidding...gosh. Feel free to write or e-mail me and I’ll see you people in June.


P.S. I just made up the word declatory, but it truly is a remarkable expression and should be implemented into everyone’s daily chats…starting now.
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