So yeah, I should be doing the last homework of the year right now, but I've been wanting to write a blog and the thought won't go away so here it is:
On Friday, the ap english and art classes went on a field trip. My one complaint is that I thought my friends, or at least acquaintances, would stick together and to me, but almost everyone went of in pairs or by themselves, which was unusual for me, because in middle school it was highly stressed by everyone that people stay in groups... I haven't been on field trips far too long...
anyway, here's the good part: first we went to thanksgiving point gardens, European themed mostly, with an awesome waterfall (apparently the biggest artificial one in the western hemisphere), there were some very happy birds and Kai fish (the ones that look like giant gold fish with whiskers) that swam under lily pads (the most beautiful thing I've seen in ages), too bad I didn't get my camera until that afternoon! But the roses hadn't bloomed yet, so I'm determined to go back in a couple weeks when they do! Too bad it's so far away.. And even though we only stayed an hour, it made me the happiest I've been in a very long time.
Then we went to BYU's museum, they have exhibits on Impressionism, "the American Identity", and Christ (of course), cool side: I didn't catch on fire when entering the exhibit on Jesus(and actually liked a couple of the paintings), and there was a painting of an angel in the American exhibit that I think inspired me, and I discovered that I like impressionism after all, although I still think it's overrated. Also, I found out I don't like orange chicken rice bowls...
And then I went to work... and then Erik took me to Ty's! Ty, Erik, Allah (misspelled on purpose as always), and I watched Amytiville Horror, I don't like horror movies much because I think they are mostly pointless but this one was ok, being based on a true story is a redeeming factor.
I got to spend the night over there and for some strange reason had a lot of energy when I woke up. Marcus had arrived some time around 9 in the morning and we went kinda crazy. We washed ty's car, sent the easter photos to get developed at long long last, watched tv, ate, and then me went down to saltair, or rather the big rock past it, trying to get there before the sunset (the sky cheated and put clouds over the mountains so the sun set earlier then it was supposed to), but the lake was gorgeously silver and we ended up in good moods after a somewhat turbulent day, I wish I brought my camera then too because I wanted to play photo-tag again but ty took lots of pictures which I will post eventually. We climbed the big rock (which was awesome because I haven't climbed anything that steep in years!), and I accidentally kicked a rock on ty's head but he was ok with it because the gash on his head looks cool (it's a small gash and didn't actually bleed very long, so his hemophilia really is going away). Sadly, when we finally came back down (which was more difficult...) it was almost 10 so there weren't any restaurants still open and we ate at Macdonald's, but that was ok because the chicken wrap thing is actually pretty good...
too much detail?
anyway, On Sunday, me and ty went to the Unitarian Universalist church, got my camera working, I went to work, then watched Stranger than Fiction (which was not what I expected, and surprisingly good, although it starts slow)
the rock we climbed and the silver lake