Oct 17, 2007 11:31
I'm not really going to take notes on this because I took a whole class on it last year. ^.^
Although Bloom on one slide is pretty entertaining:
Blooms Taxomony - hierarchy of thinking!
Cognitive-Emotive-Psycho-motor aspects
1) Knowledge (fact recall)
2) Comprehension (understanding)
3) Application (translate to a situation)
4) Analysis (break down information and relationships)
5) Synthesis (combine information and make new product
6) Evaluation (how did it go?)
Kuhlthau ISP
Big 6
Multi-user group
Metacognitive process model
Not necess. linear
Easy to teach
Applies to all levels of questions
The Big 6 in Elementary Schools (book) - Go get for DFW plan
Simplify it down for preschool
1) Plan
2) Do
3) Review