Just in case any of you fangirls (and fanboy) on my f-list didn't see this yet, both Hellsing (Volume 7) and Naruto (Volume 7) have been nominated in the graphic novel category of the Quills awards. Voting is open over at the MSNBC website. Check out the nominees at the link below, and scroll down for the link to vote.
Now, I don't mind saying that I personally voted for Hellsing, despite my agreement with the sector of that fandom that maintains that Dark Horse has done a less-than-stellar job translating it into English and publishing it in the U.S. I still think Hellsing is one of the best stories I have ever read, artwork to dialogue, and the seventh volume is a particularly forceful part of the story. Really, I promise I am not just saying that because I'm biased about Seras and Pip. But I know Naruto is also a strong series, and I think it deserves recognition, too. Anyway, I thought you all would want to know, in case I am the only person whose friends page is full of fandom communities.